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I feel those who want for less, have a marked advantage over they who want for more.
Wishing for less, means more joy upon receipt, with more frequent intervals of fulfillment.
Wanting more than what is achievable, provides a deficit of infinite construct. Therefor, "less than" what is desired, cannot provide joy or fulfillment without frustration.

To be thankful for what another may take for granted,
To have gratitude for things another assumes their "right"-
Provides ever-expanding expressions of joy and fulfillment.

Yet, the counter of that- of course, is to believe, that a need or want has been fulfilled by "less than" what another may wish or want.
And vice versa-
If you may convince another soul, to join your pursuit of "wanting", then it might bolster your belief that you deserve what it is you need or want.

"Ego" being the starting point of what Joe considers the main element of human nature.
How then, does the ego determine what is needed, what is wanted, what is deserved, what is warranted and what is not for the self.

Ego determines the "I" or "I AM" as the central focus of its existence and purpose.
Yet, it may dictate the recognition of "other" apart from self, influential to self or controlling of self.
It may determine whether the vessel be content or at war with self and/or other- while still questioning the superior reign of a "Creator" or infinite.
For the distinct separation between man and beast is its awareness of "self" as an entity apart from.
El burro will esteem a human as no-other-part from itself, taking direction or ownership of- without question. For that is it's instinct.
However a human may recognize both separation of status, species and position. In a compassionate state, human may adopt burro- still knowing itself separate from the species of dog.

Humans have known for a long time that it is the imprinting of the youth that dictates the majority outcome of any grouping.
Get them when they are young-
This is an aspect of all human nature that may not be overlooked, as it is this knowledge that has brought all places to rise and to fall.
Be careful little ears what you hear.
Be careful little eyes what you see.
Be careful little hands what you do.

There is always the exception-
When an indoctrinated youth will rise up, and the opposite outcome to what was expected might be born of the same kiln that produced a million replicas.
But it is called the exception, because the kiln was designed well,
And flawed vessels may be discarded as oddities.
Yet as time goes by,
The mould develops cracks, the heat too hot.
More and more flawed vessels will emerge from that kiln unless it is reformed, reenforced or renewed.
So then, the older and more stagnant the kiln,
The less effective it may be at producing the desired replica.

The ego may recognize this, and encourage the increasing pile of rejected vessels to band together-
As they are now the majority instead of the minority.
In doing so, they then create a new brain-washing (or forming) for their young.

Yet the message of wanting "less" is lost to them coming from lack.
They know only to seek more, since they are born and rooted in their elders on the pursuit of more.
This can be also laid over the template of those raised with the assumption of more.
Those raised with the privilege of more.
To want less, is not of the ego-driven mind, so it might actually be the breaking of ego that produces the desire for less.
Or perhaps the denial of ego- altogether, that births submission.

One might say a sheep is submissive-
Yet it is not the choice of the sheep that makes that so.
But rather it's nature.
Yet when a pig stands up on it's hind legs, donning top hat and waist coat-
He is barely distinguishable from man.

I say then that gratitude is the dictator of ego.
When one might recognize the ego as a wild horse.
It's running and raging, smelling the stink of human all over itself.
The other self might look upon that horse, thinking it is free, and wishing to contain it.
To own the fuck out of that shit- ride it, into the wind.
So they corral that beauty, place it in a fence yard and let it figure out that it has been seen.

There is a centre post with a rope tied on it.
Sooner or later, that rope will be removed and placed around that horse.
The horse will become used to being seen, used to hearing the voices.
The scents around will no longer threaten it.
When a smart handler takes them,
They will go in circles around one another, the tic of the whip will never touch its flesh.
That way, the ego may be ridden without fear.

To harshly reign a horse is to create a beast.
If we wish companionship with the ego, we must nurture the relationship.
Then the offspring may be raised with noble blood-
For they will serve with willing gratitude,
Seeing a pen as a home, a fenced field as freedom.
When mistress rides out into the meadow- this is a liberty to be proud of.

So then, egos raised in gratitude might produce free will labour;
While egos raised in a state of oppression might be flourished warriors on the hunt for survival and liberation.
Yet, either way:
It is the exceptions that rise to create change.

They who look from above, may see a million ants.
Not knowing one from the other, just a sea of moving parts.
Yet within the hive,
A hierarchy indistinguishable from our own-perhaps even superior to our own,
May be seen without effort.
The weight of ten thousand tons of pressure cannot stop it from re-creating itself, in another hill on another day.
So an ant may be pleased with himself,
Only if he accepts his place within the confines of his role.
His pleasure or displeasure, may never topple an empire-
But only affect his short life by wishing he was the Queen.

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