Some Joe

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-inspired of you, he written as a ghost:

It's as though I've lived a thousand lives;
Yet each day;
Without one.

Chapters spread across the chasm of time.
In charring ruins;
Blazing red then grey,
Before they break upon the breeze.

In each page contains a story.
Of times, I cannot seem to forget.
Tracing traps along the wood line.
With flashing lights and broken bulbs.

And yet it's like it never happened.
Of all the details I'm not sure,
Within each life wore a lesson.
With final exam at the door.
The scars hold all the secrets of what "study" quite stood for.

But I pinch myself awake.
It could just be a mistake.
Those chapters burned up in a fire;
Yet it was only yesterday.

It's as if I'm being born each morning.
A thousand lives are just a dream.
Still I can't seem to put my finger on:
What does this trapped scream mean?
The one all ripping and scratching at the wall,
Around my rib cage.
A sleeping tiger at times.
I can't, with honesty say I'm mad.
But I won't deny the pent up rage.

I know if surely,
I have lived a thousand lives.
I hope in one I was a tree.
Because there is nowhere else on earth I feel more comfortable.
Than with some roots beneath my knee.

So I hope it was worth it.
I hope it's been worthwhile.
I'm tired.
I'll rest for a while.


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