Chapter 20

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Lisa's POV

I step outside the car. It's the third place that I've always visited alone without my security or Jihyo accompanying me. The hospice where Roseanne's ailing father is. The doctor greets me when we meet, trading a little information before I tell her I'd like to rush up to the room for some important meeting. She allows me with a yes and a smile before I walk past her and board the elevator to level 9.

Her father comes into sight. He doesn't look much like her or anything like her. I believe that must have come from her mother. He and I have been loathing each other like there's no tomorrow and even in his weak state like this, keeps reminding me of how much I don't deserve his daughter.

"Well, your words certainly mean nothing to me," I fix the cufflinks then check my square pocket. "I'm here just to remind you of the money you took that night, that you must pay me back when anything happens to you,"

"You really think I'd believe you're here just because of that money?"

The man coughs out specks of blood. It dribbles down his chin but I offer him no help.

"Roseanne was here a couple of months ago and from the look of it, is still clueless about the thing you've hidden away from her,"

He wears an evil smirk, to which I feel the need to punch him square in the face. But my conscience tells me it's not going to be worth it at all. "I don't know what you're talking about," I straightened my back. "Of course you know," he coughs again. A nurse walks into the room but he yells at her to stay out of this business. She accepts and vanishes into thin air.

"You think you're so cunning at running away, hiding everything" he keeps his eyes locked with mine as he says. "But I've my eyes everywhere. I know exactly every little secret you're locking away, including those two you hide away in Dongsan ..."

"Stay out of my fucking business," I grunt, fisting my hand. "Just, fucking stay out of it," I warn him as I clench my jaws, feeling in that exact moment, how veins around my neck start to swell.

How the hell did he know about them?

"You asked me to stay out of your fucking business," he laughs. "But they are my business too - Roseanne's children"

"Listen up here, you fucker,"

I walk closer to his bed where a huge ventilator is placed at his side to aid his breathing.

"When you signed up that perpetual contract that night with the right mind to draw a decision, you knew it damn well that Roseanne is going to be mine forever,"

"Bullshit! You lured me into signing the contract after you offered me that money!" he hisses like a snake in pain. "You really think I'd, with a sane mind, sold my daughter to someone so devilishly wretched like you?"

"But you did," I breathe out. "Be grateful that after all these years, I'm still letting Roseanne to fund you and your ventilator to supply oxygen to your suck lungs,"

I take a few steps backward so that I can stare at him as a whole. His chin trembles, his eyebrows tugged forward to express the anger boiling inside him. "I will tell ... her ..." he stammers. "I will ... tell ... her ... the kids ... in Dongsan"

"Be my guest," I say. "I bet she's not going to believe you," I let out a small laugh, shaking my head. "Do you know why?" I stare at him blankly. "Because the doctor has just concluded that due to your failing health, your judgement is therefore invalid musn't be paid any attention to,"

"No," he struggles to breathe as I turn off his ventilator. "No..." he sounds as if someone is choking him with a plastic. "You ... fucker ..."

Then, I exit the room and into the elevator.