Chapter 16

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He yelled as he grabbed the gun with his left hand causing a bullet to pierce his flesh. He gripped it despite the pain and used his other hand to try to take it away from her.

"Ugh" the lady grunted as she tried to grab it back from him.

It was clear he was winning but he flew back with the gun when she kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall onto the rocks, but the gun must've flown out of his hands since he didn't feel it anymore. He jumped back onto his feet and scanned around for the gun just to see the women running towards him. He clicked his tongue and ran up to her as well, lifted his foot up to land a hit but she crouched down.

"You really think that was my last gun hehehe"

He could already tell she was smirking as her body shook with each manic giggle she made. He glared at her and turned around to run. He quickly made his way towards the corner and heard the gunshots behind him. He could hear her harsh footsteps on the wooden floor but he continued running and jumped onto the rocks and made his way toward the bushes and trees.

He was glad that these people had a vast garden and backyard since he already knew his way around here. But even so the gunshots could be heard clearly. He made it and ran past the garden; his feet slapping on the concrete floor could be heard as he ran past the fountain. He needed to find a way to not get shot and knock her out. He went behind a bush and listened in for her; nothing was heard so he decided to go behind a tree and stayed there to see if she was anywhere to be seen.

He narrowed his eyes and looked around, but her figure was nowhere to be seen. That was expected though since who would send a rookie to come kill him. Those bastards back then only got lucky because he was caught off guard. Even now there could be another person. He decided to move on and turned around; right now he needed to go to the other houses in the compound. He just didn't know who's house was who's; Kanami and her mom also moved away. And he didn't want to bring a person with a gun to sleeping peoples place.

He huffed quietly and continued walking slowly, looking around and listening to every small noise. He stayed away from the concrete pavement and stayed hidden behind the trees and bushes.

What kind of bullshit is this? Yuzuru isn't here....i don't see no guards, Ms. Paek is knocked out. These.....these bastards seriously planned this out.

He heard a crack from somewhere and looked around. It was dark as hell except for the small lanterns displayed, but even those weren't useful enough. He decided to move away from where he heard the sound and slipped through the shadows. He didn't really want to go to one of the Yamazaki's compounds. If Kanami were here then he would have gone to hers even if he didn't trust her.

He needed to catch his assassinator off guard; that was all he needed. But she was making it hard by being all quiet; well that was rich people for you, they would never hire anyone dumb. And if his Uncle is right that Choi Dong Soo is the one out to get him then he would definitely be careful. He winced as he didn't realize he was clenching his wounded hand. He opened his hand and noticed the blood trailing on the grass and staining his red kimono with an even darker hue.

Wait....if there's a trail then.....

"Stop right there"

He stood still as he watched his blood drip off of his pale skin.

"That was your biggest mistake. Although I don't blame you; I would've forgotten about it too if I were you, but aren't you supposed to be Park Hyung Suk. I would've expected you to be smarter than that" she chuckled.

His eye twitched as he slowly turned to look at her before facing his whole body.

"Enough with that....kill me already. That's your goal right?"

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