Chapter 4: concluded

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    JUNE sat there unmoved after Aporia had left the cafe. She must've looked shell shocked, because Karla and Greg left her alone. Merely giving her worried glances and sending their helper Mandy over with a Concha.

    Mandy was a tall leggy blonde and a young fresh 24. Her blue eyes took in June eagerly. June suspected she had a crush but was definitely too young for her June thought.

    "Karla says this is on the house." She said her mouth working around her gum. She placed the Concha on the table. "Who was that woman?"

    They probably all assumed the "date" had went badly. However, did it go well? Was this all well & good? June couldn't decipher all her feelings, but there was no denying she was having many complex emotions. Least of all she didn't want to have small talk with Mandy.

    Standing up, June nervously waved and mouthed a thanks to Karla. "Thank-you Mandy," she told her picking up the Concha. She'd thank them properly another time. Was pretty sure Karla or Greg would text her asking for details later. Mandy didn't need to know either.

    She headed out fast, food was now the last thing on her mind or chatting up anyone. Rubbing her tingling fingertips on her legs; she felt the spandex polyester material and her skin heated immensely. She exhaled a heavy breath. A chill creeping up her back; the warm wind rushing by her as she waded through traffic, crossing the street on unsteady feet.

    She had felt the unyielding force of life meeting Aporia. The literal truth of life beyond what was human. Aporia was extraordinary. Everyone in there felt her presence as though the moonlight itself was in their midst. There was no denying what she was. Whatever that was.

    Her apartment building loomed into view and she fumbled with the door code. Taking a deep breath she eventually made it inside. Her throat was tight, her movements jerky. The cute guy on the first floor was opening his door as she walked by. He was about 6'0, muscled with almond shaped eyes and beautiful moisturized skin. His jaw was so sharp, he was sharper than cheddar June thought on a giggle. What was wrong with her? She felt high and very, very naughty out of nowhere. Well not nowhere.....

    With his high cheekbones and full lips she knew he could get any woman. He had long shoulder length jet black hair that was pulled up. His eyes were near black and intense. Even his style was sexy. Today he wore high wasted dark gray linen dress pants. A vintage black afro samurai t-shirt partially tucked in with a matching gray suit jacket. She never properly greeted him, or him her, they just always spoke and shared eye contact. They eye fucked each other as her friend Nika would say. He stopped in his tracks seeing her. She knew she must look a hot mess.

    "You're so very beautiful." He said plainly, his face in complete awe. She paused in her stride as she normally did, because his voice was so low and deep. His accent a major turn on.

    "Thank-you. You know I've never properly introduced myself. I'm June Chase. Have a Concha." She said extending her hand with the pastry. June was often very forward when she wanted to be. And right now she felt very forward. In that respectful way; always. Just her nerves were on edge and the energy needed to be focused.

    He shut his door his lips slowly curving. Walking up slow, he greeted her hand taking the Concha. "What is a Concha?" He asked. His brows curiously arched.

    June, having zero knowledge of pastries; shrugged. "Deliciousness."

    The feeling of electricity zapped between her legs. Sucking her breath in sharply. He had her shook.

    "Hello June Chase. I am Lin Kian. It's wonderful, to be properly met. Thank you for this Concha. If you will excuse me, I must be going." He took a large bite from the Concha as he eyed her, moaning in bliss as crumbs flaked on his kissable lips. Giving her a slight nod and quick once over, he turned on his heel. His dismissal was abrupt, yet formal. He must really needed to be elsewhere. All June knew about him was he liked late hours and always had a hot woman around. He was a gorgeous man. And June really couldn't have anymore distractions. Not with how her pulse raced and her heart beat in her chest. She had to get a move on. To figure out what to do. She didn't have time for this.

    The comfortable blue carpet and white walls greeted her as she headed right up the stairs to her third floor. Leaving the thought of Lin's chiseled everything behind. She focused on her surroundings. The sunshine beaming on the plants lining the open windows. They needed it. Especially her favorite little plant baby cacti, she named Susu. She blew it a little kiss and with a flourish she unlocked her door and went inside. Why did she feel so high off her rocker? It reminded her of her college days doing X in the bathroom.

    Even the familiar scent of her apartment couldn't control the warring, sexually charged thoughts rumbling throughout her mind. She closed her eyes and leaned into the door. A striking image of Aporia smiling seductively, entered her mind like a sledgehammer to her groin. Her impossibly red lips and her tilted fantasy colored eyes. Here she pictured Aporia with Lin. Them fucking in front of her. The visual was sudden and unexpected.

    Groaning, June rushed to her bathroom turning on her sink. Just...No! She thought to herself. It was true she liked to fantasize. Yet these were real people. She never used to imagine real people. However now her fantasy woman Flor was possibly real? Among others.... Because if Flor was real did that mean they all were? Every being she ever imagined up and later wrote about and masturbated too?

    She washed her hands rapidly and dashed her hot face with cold water. She felt overheated and flushed; almost near a panic attack. Closing her eyes, again she saw Aporia by herself. This time when she had kissed her hand. The way her lips and touch lingered....

    June bit her lip, gripping the sink. Heat pouring between her legs; instantly wetting her thong. What was this? Was she turned on? Yes, June admitted. She was very much turned on. Her nipples were hard. Every part of her, since she had laid eyes on Aporia, was screaming to be touched. She wanted a release. She needed to cum. That second. She was too overwhelmed. And a great orgasm was all she needed in this moment. She'd deal with the real shit later. Right now she needed to bust one.

    Wasting no time, June slipped her hand into her red yoga pants. Her moans filling her bathroom as she felt how wet she was and how swollen her clit already was. It throbbed beneath her hot fingertips as she rubbed herself. She wouldn't need much, she was on the edge already. Holding onto the sink for leverage, June pictured it was Aporia behind her, rubbing her pussy. Fast and relentlessly. Aporia was much taller and that turned her on even more.

    Biting her lip again, hard, June worked her clit in circles, favoring the lower right corner where she was most sensitive. Her breath hitched as pressure built. She was so close. Just a little more.... She slipped her middle finger inside herself and that was all she needed. The orgasm hit her so hard, she almost fell as she slid in and out, pressing and rubbing her own clit. Her legs trembling beneath her. Thinking about Aporia. How her amber, tropical eyes would probably slightly glow when she came.

    Something seemed to shift at that moment and catching her own reflection, June saw a gold ring appear around her pupils, in her own dark brown eyes. It spread till they shimmered like jewels.

    What in the actual fuck?


A Dream In June | Book 1 (GxGxB) 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن