Chapter 10 concluded

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    Soon Ero held her head as she treated him with such abandon, he literally was holding onto her for dear life. “By the Goddesses!” He gasped, feeling his orgasm tighten his balls. He hadn’t came in body or in spirit since Lilah. Fucking hell! He knew Aporia was great at head, but it felt as though she was sucking his spirit out and putting it back in. Felt more amazing than it ever had.

    She took him so deep he felt the back of her throat and it was enough to spill him over. Just as he started coming, Aporia sent her own magical energy right into his cock as she moved her mouth from him. Right down his dick hole. It was an unexpected sharp, pleasant sensation; that had him cumming even harder, his hips thrusting into her firm hand.

    He watched her with wild eyes, realizing he really didn’t know her if she had thousands of years of tricks and secrets up her sleeves. That made him more hard which he didn’t understand. Something in her expression softened at his complete trust in her.

   He shivered feeling Aporia’s magic skate across his skin. She had shifted them magically to her bed and was now on top of him, her clothes gone. His shirt gone too. There was a vulnerability in her countenance as her eyes slowly started to glow. Flor had described it to him before but he hadn’t ever seen Aporia’s light up with her spirit. She was a sight to behold and he found himself just taken a back by her.

    They both said nothing as she lowered herself onto his pulsing hardness. She was so snatched they both moaned with every inch she took him in. He made shallow hip thrusts to ease it a little better. She was so wet though, Ero couldn’t help his sigh as his hands held tight on her hips. It always felt so right inside her.

    Her hands rested on his chest as she leaned back taking him fully in to the hilt. She gasped, on a surprise laugh, that she always did when he was fully inside her. When he started moving his hips beneath her, Aporia’s expression changed. Then he remembered her using her magic on his dick before and now he realized it was still there like a rubber band between their genitals. Each thrust rebounded back into them both on a pleasured thump.

    “Aporia what did you do? That feels too fucking good,” he said honestly, closing his eyes as she slowly rocked on top of him.

    Aporia’s low laugh, opened his eyes to her magnificent breasts he had to grab. He looked between her thighs as she slid up and down on him. Further down his toes were clenching on every stroke. He couldn’t help, but meet her every hip movement. They had fucked so many times he knew sex with her was his weakness. Now because of Lilah, he knew why. It had indeed changed things between them, him knowing some of her truth. He could feel it like a weight off his balls as her magic buried her deeper and deeper into him and him her.

    Urgency, had him grabbing her and maneuvering her beneath him. She groaned at his dominance, yet didn’t fight as he pressed in as deep as he could, her legs wide for him. He stayed there not moving in her tight heat. Fuck he missed this.

    Aporia nipped at his bottom lip and her fingers gripped his nipples. She wanted information from him. Ero understood and yet he slowed his thrusts to shallow, then hard deep ones. It was their first time having sex honestly; he wanted to remember this. Aporia was finally letting him see her truly and he greedily wanted more. “Show me more, Aporia. Please.” He said thrusting so deep into her, her mouth fell open at each slip into her. She tightened around him; and he felt her magic pulling from her Source. Added the pull she had placed on him already; intensified the pleasure until he was fighting not to cum with his all.

    Ero wouldn’t though, he wanted to see her. From the shifting glow beneath her alabaster skin. Where he touched her it moved like shadows on the moon. Over her left shoulder was now a golden outline of a snake. It looked like an unfinished tattoo. Ero knew what it was and why she was ashamed as he gazed at it for the first time and ran his fingers over it as he kept up his thrusts.

    “I gave up everything for Love before Ero. My Diadem. My place in the Cosmos. And still I lost my own son and husband.” Her eyes darkened. “It is not worth the cost.”

    Ero didn’t know what to say to that, just he knew without a doubt that he loved Aporia. She was blocking her emotions and he could still see her anguish. Always had. He loved her in a way he couldn’t comprehend. In a way she wouldn’t be ready for. He barely was. So he’d give her what she wanted. What she was seducing him for; it didn’t hurt him for he came here for her. Leaning back, Ero rhythmically stroked in and out of Aporia, over and over, as fast as he could to change that emptiness on her face. They moved as one together and when he knew she was close with him, he came so thoroughly; his spirit spilling forth. He also let Aporia feel who had opened him to his Spiritual Source. “Lilah of the Twelve,” he muttered, blissfully his eyes getting heavy. They had both orgasmed hard, him collapsing on her chest, still buried deep inside her.

    Immediately, he could tell Aporia wasn’t in same, post blissful state. She was the most angry he had ever seen her.

    “Lilah fucked you?”

   Ro tensed, shifting back and withdrawing from her, his dick still partially hard and wet with her juices. “Whoa Aporia,….you know you agreed to it. I fucked you both at the same time with Flor… I figured you two both being of the Twelve; you go way back. She did say you’d probably not be happy we fucked, I just couldn’t understand why. We’re all Divinely Sourced. I assured her you’re different now.”

    Aporia sat up in that eerie beautiful way of hers, her glowing eyes fading back to normal except her robust anger. Her magic manipulated the air pressure as it grew until a haze fell over her body. Ro watched impressed as a mythical armored gear, Ro only ever heard about materialized out of the void. It snapped in place around her body like it were alive. It looked impossibly thin and transparent like glass. It moved as though it was rubber and tight. Underneath it she wore a black body suit that came up to her neck. The effect was menacing and deathly sexy with her hair slicked back, her two toned eyes; ready for war. The way the glass looking armor moved and felt; he could tell it was made from her spirit. A spiritual type of shield she used as an armor. He never knew that is how they suited up for battle. Him and Flor were sexual spirits. They didn't exist during those times and they didn’t train for war like other entities who sources were darker. Their training was all sensual based.

    Ero quickly clothed his self. He didn’t think she was a danger to him; still felt better to not have his dick out. He also never saw Aporia this way. Now he understood a portion of the hushed whispers about her.

    “Ero did you tempt Flor with Lilah? Is that why you’ve been blocking? Is that why Flor is blocking now?” Aporia said her stare menacing with each step back and forth she took.

    The way she said Lilah was enough to tell him they weren’t friends. At this he frowned. It all was beginning to sound bad and not like the amazing orgy he thought they’d all have. “Aporia; listen. Lilah was forthcoming. She told me who she was. Told me who you were. She was looking for you. Felt your bond through me. I didn’t think she was a problem.”

    Aporia stalked closer to him. Pointing at her shoulder where he’d seen the gold outline of the snake at. Her alien gaze venomous. “She’s the one who took my Diadem away from me. She was my chosen Queen, Ro; she didn’t come to protect me when she knew I’d be target number one. She wasn’t with the ones who killed my family, but she weakened me enough I couldn’t protect my husband or my son when they came. She came days later when I was shattered. I went from Love to a thing of Hate. I hate her with a passion, because she is death to everything I’ve ever loved. Lilah is Death to me.”

    Ero wanted to go to her but with the amount of spiritual energy she was accumulating; he knew better. “What can I do?” Ero pleaded with her; his hands wide. He didn’t know her history with Lilah. Only that Lilah said she had been Queen and at the time she took Aporia’s Diadem; it was Aporia’s punishment for marrying a human. Lilah said it was her greatest regret and she wanted to make amends. Yes, this was his fault for thinking with his cock. And his own heart wanting to be closer to Aporia someway.

    Aporia smiled insidiously. “I’ve my own bond with Lilah. I know exactly where to find her. You stay put, you just better hope Flor isn’t as gullible as you.”

    “Aporia just wait. Please. There’s more going on, ok. Lilah isn’t out to get you. Just wait!” Aporia made a face and still vanished with a glint of light. Ro didn’t know how all of this went so wrong. Just somehow knew he messed up. Big time.

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