Chapter 5: As Passion Demands It

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    THE two women were like a painting together, Ro thought. The way Aporia held Flor down and kissed all over her golden body, made him so hard it hurt. Causing him to adjust in his seat several times. The couch squeaking beneath him. Aporia was so lusciously fit, and had that lean athletic build. Curves in all the right places. And his Flor, ever the vision she was. He was the one who crafted the tattoo on her back. They had sex the entire time he did it. It was a transcended experience, one he’d never forget.

    He loved watching them, almost as much as he loved participating. They were all so connected spiritually, that he knew whenever the two women were intimate. He didn’t know if it was simply the magic of his spirit, yet everyone he had sex with, he could still feel them anytime they had an orgasm. A heaviness would enter in the base of his thick cock. He would have to fight his hardness. Just like this moment. And the more sex he had with someone, the deeper the bond was.

    He’d been with Flor so much, they were nearly as one. He could almost feel everything she felt. In his mind's eye he could also see her and Aporia. Part of his spirit was always with them. As long as they consented to his observation, he would always be involved somehow. Which usually they did. They both knew Ro was a big voyeur. Knew what he'd feel if they let him, and see if they let him in to see.

    For a millennia, they had all been interchangeable. Then they just drifted apart over the last couple centuries. He loved Flor in a way he'd love no one else. She was his counterpart. His bond with her was beyond anything he’s ever experienced as an entity. His bond with Aporia was just as deep, only in a different way. Flor and him were equals. Aporia; would always be his better. Nor did he ever begrudge her it. She was older. More experienced than both him and Flor.

    In truth, it always made him inflamed with passion that she was more powerful. The need her spirit inspired, would forever drive him to want to pump his dick inside her hot middle, at her behest. Right now, of course he wanted to be there physically with them. Just he knew they needed their alone time. Flor had been feeling off a bit lately. He had noticed it before she had got with the mortal. Before long she'd tell him what she wasn't sharing. Just as he would with her.

    Which is why he was glad she went to Aporia. Aporia had her gifts. Anytime they had their time together Flor would come back rejuvenated. He knew how she felt. Sex with Aporia wasn’t like any other entity. Him and Flor talked about it a bunch. After sex with her it was like being reborn again.

    He knew in the cliques of the Higher Spirits, Aporia wasn’t just known as Longing. Ro wasn’t so ignorant to know Aporia had a past. They also called her Lasting; Enduring. It was common for older spirits to have multiple titles, but the way folks talked about Aporia in hushed tones. Ro knew it meant big business.

    Both him and Flor didn’t ask her about her history. It was taboo unless a spirit offered to tell the tale. He just took her for the gift she was and the gift she was giving letting him watch them metaphysically, from his seat in a back room, at a mortal party in Milan. The image in his mind crystal clear. He’d have his own time with Aporia soon. He’d make sure of it.

    As of now both human men and women were wanting his attention. He made himself scarce and rented out the whole private room in the back to be alone.

    He needed to see Aporia sucking Flor's rosy nipples. Her fingers gripping Flor's other breast. How Flor arched into her touch. How Aporia's creamy skin gleamed against Flor's golden skin. Aporia was like a dancer as she slid down between Flor's legs. Her long silken black hair down her back as she tilted her ass up. 

    It was here he felt and mentally heard Aporia's low voice. "Use your spirit to fuck me, as I fuck Flor, Ero." She said shaking her ass as Flor moaned yes in agreement.

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