Chapter 6 pt 1: The Real of It All

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     FLOR sat up as she felt Ro orgasm. He blocked her from fully feeling it which was a bit odd. Aporia raised a dark brow no doubt feeling it too, just more milder. Flor shook her head. Kissing her. Distracting Aporia and herself. Flor was evolving since her encounter with the writer June. Perhaps even before. Even with her pleasure blossoming with Aporia, Flor's mind remained slightly elsewhere.

    She didn't even worry about Ro. He was changing too. They all were. Still she was going to enjoy herself. As it was in her nature to do so. So she dived into Aporia's goddess like body. Her soft skin. Her eyes. She truly loved this woman. Loved the power and compassion she wielded so effortlessly and quietly. She wasn’t boastful as some older spirits were. She tended to mask her energy unless they were having sex. And even then Flor suspected she held back.

    Flor had met Aporia at a time when she wasn't in love with her own life anymore. She had needed and wanted more just as she did now. Then boom, the universe handed her Aporia. Flor wondered if June was her more this time around? Somehow Flor knew there was something more out there. She just couldn’t fathom what.

    Flor wouldn’t give up figuring it out either. She had even used everything she could to seduce Aporia all those centuries ago. Aporia thought her too young a spirit. Too inexperienced. However, Flor was determined. She always got what she wanted. It was her nature. She got her too and was beyond thankful. For the way Aporia touched her no one else could.

    Both of them would fight for dominance, but Aporia would always win until she needed to be taken. Flor would take everything she had. Right now she had her tongue buried deep in Aporia. Her juice like nectar to Flor. By Aporia’s tensing, Flor knew she was near another release. She sucked her clit and flicked her tongue in a way she knew Aporia loved. Adding her fingers, she eased into her sweet heat. Aporia gasped as Flor fingered her. Aporia’s thighs twitched and she came hard, falling back onto the black sheets breathing heavily. Flor climbed up her body taking in her beauty.

    "Was this the first time in a while you had sex in the flesh?" She asked Aporia.

    Aporia nodded a blush creeping up her sculpted  cheeks. "For you as well, yes?"

    Flor nodded and they both giggled like two young bashful virgins.

    "Why is it so different now you think?” Aporia asked as Flor gently lay on her chest, her fingers idly playing with her nipple. It hardened under her touch. Aporia shivered and Flor heated at the victory.

    "Don’t laugh, yet I think its June. After I was with her spiritually in Slumber, something changed in me. I'm not the same anymore. My desires are different." Flor said honestly.

    Aporia moved so she could look at her. Taking her seriously. Flor inhaled sharply as she always did looking at her. Aporia was simply put; a near impossible beauty. Like she was cut from some sacred stone. "Don't fight it Aporia. Feel that change meeting her gave you and surrender to it. I am."

    Aporia frowned. “You know it’s still forbidden to physically be with mortals in this realm Flor. You and Ero were playing with fire going to her in Slumber.”

    Flor pouted, her lavender eyes rebellious. “It still happens Aporia. More than you think. Even the old laws are transitioning into something else. I know you can feel it. We all do. Things are changing. We must change too or get left behind.”

    Aporia shook her head softly. Her silk black hair falling over her face. Flor gently tucked it behind her ear. “Flor, you and Ro didn’t live through the wars. There’s a reason its forbidden to be with them. The cost was detrimental. None of us are what we were.” An unexpected tear fell from her green blue eye and Flor gently wiped it away.

    "You’ll be fine Aporia."

    "I’m not just worried about myself Flor. What about you and Ro?"

    Flor gave a half bittersweet smile. "We'll be fine too. Change can be good. Plus if I held Ro too close I wouldn't be who I am and he wouldn't be who he is. I feel the same way about you."

    "You and Ro are different Flor."

    Flor stretched. "You’re worrying too much Aporia. Relax and have fun. You also know I actually prefer women like you do. Ro and I fit together because of our natures; we’re literally drawn to each other like magnets. So what if our very natures are evolving?”

    Aporia laid back cuddling her, letting the conversation simmer down. Burying her nose in her nape she breathed her in. "You are an amazing woman Flor."

    Flor laughed, "Don't just tell me, show me!"

    Aporia laughed rolling on her, kissing her. Showing her for the millionth time.   





    JUNE sat there in her bed as Nika Jackson handed her a hot coffee. She was concerned. It was written all over her friends gorgeous face.

    "I'm ok Nika." She assured her, avoiding Nika's knowing gaze.

    The imposing dark skinned beauty sat down on June's bed, crossing her long legs. Her red stylish heels flashing. "My husband, whose your childhood former best friend; since I replaced him.... He told me to be patient with you. That you'll talk when you are ready. But its been almost a week. Girl, talk to me. I am worried about you June."

    Looking into her friends face she felt guilty because she knew, she couldn't tell her everything. Not about this. So she did the next best thing. She lied....kind of. "There's this woman named Aporia and I think she's more different than anyone I've ever met. I see her again tomorrow. So I'm just nervous." She said taking a long sip of the hot coffee.

    Nika gave her incredulous eyes. "This is all about a woman? You aren't sick or dying?"

    June pushed her arm. "No, I'm not sick or dying. This woman is just rare. Astoundingly beautiful too."

    Nika who was ever the hopeless romantic, placed a hand over her heart, her eyes bright. "Its got to be true love! I told you, 31 is your age hun. What about your hot neighbor guy?"

    June near dropped the coffee. “Um….he called me beautiful last week and I gave him a Concha. His name is Lin. That’s as far as it went. I haven’t seen him since.”

    Nika made a face, “June, what does that even mean?” Both her and June busted out laughing. After a moment, she pulled June into a tight hug, careful of the coffee. "Don't scare us like this anymore. And please wash your hair, don't just shower,” Nika said chastising her.

    June groaned as Nika stood up. She was never in one spot long.

    "As your friend babe, I'm happy for you. As your editor, I need more pages by the end of the week. Ok babes?"

    June nodded. Just because she was a freak of nature, didn't mean life ended or her responsibilities.

    Nika smiled. "Tell me about the date tomorrow. No hold backs. Promise?" Her phone ringed before June could reply. She sighed apologetically. "Love you babes. Work as always." She muttered, "Bye," storming out of June's bedroom.

    Reluctantly, June followed to lock the door behind her. Alone again with her thoughts she took her friends advice and showered, washing her hair. Once done, she put on her robe and exited out only to pause once she heard her door bell sound. Typically, no one could get to her front door unless she buzzed them in from downstairs. Confused; the closer she got to the door, she felt a familiar pressure in nape, her shoulders, the very air. Not bothering to look, she opened it, knowing who'd be standing there.


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