ミ★ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ✧ 𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣 ✧

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Heyhey here's the
next chapter, enjoy!

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Daeva stood off to the side in Dareth's dojo, watching as her best friend struggled to light up a bulb with his power. He had been doing well in his training so far, from what the young oni could see, but this was most likely working his nerves as he hadn't exactly gotten a grasp on his element yet.

The ninja did their best, teaching him certain moves and ways to defend himself, but as far as Lloyd's element went.. they were lost.

Jay stood beside the boy as he tried to push his energy into the lightbulb, giving Lloyd words of encouragement that, in Daeva's opinion, did very little. What could she say though? She knew next to nothing about their training, as she was born knowing how to attack and defend. Instincts were both a curse and a blessing. Yes, she knew how to use her abilities, as well as her fangs and fists— but it lacked proper fighting ediquette. You should ask to be trained in their ways of fighting, said Ange.

Maybe she should, but would she even pick it up and match their skill? Daeva gave a quiet sigh at the thought, lifting her hands to rub at her eyes. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night, another nightmare coming from her buried fears to mess with her once again. It had been similar, if not the same as the one she had weeks back. That suffocating aura of vengeance, the smoke of a city in flames, and a color that did not sit well with her. Green.

Not like Lloyd's emerald eyes and green gi.. more like jade. It was jade that she had seen. That was all she managed to catch from the person in her nightmare before it ended, unable to see anything else on the ruthless being.

She was pulled out of her thoughts at the sound of something shattering, followed by the plea of Lloyd wanting to give it one more try. The master of fire shook his head as Daeva noticed Cole hiding a bulb behind his back.

"Sorry, kid. That was the last light bulb."

Daeva frowned. "Then what is Cole holding?" The four ninja gave a collective groan at Daeva's question, and Lloyd looked at Cole expectantly— only for the master of earth to drop the bulb with a short whistle as it shattered upon impact on the floor.

"Awh man, seems we really don't have anymore," Cole stated as he handed the blonde boy a broom. "How about cleaning up for now?"

She watched as Lloyd snatched the broom from the black ninja, before moving to sweep up the glass as she walked over to him to help as the four fools in colorcoded gi talked with Wu.

"Can't believe I have to do this.. can't even light up a stupid bulb!" He muttered under his breath, not seeming to notice Daeva until she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Huh— oh, hey Dae."

She gave him a small smile before squatting down to pick up the thin glass shards, careful to not get cut as the redhead spoke to him. "You know.. training doesn't make you an expert in a week. These things take time, so give yourself some credit, little boy."

"Easy for you to say, I'm supposed to be the green ninja—"

"Green ninja or not, you've only been training for two weeks. Don't rush it, it'll come at its own time."

Lloyd huffed, sweeping up the last of the glass into the dustpan. "You sound like my uncle."

Daeva gave a short chuckle. "Says you, Sensei." Lloyd groaned in defeat, though laughter followed soon after as the two smiled at eachother. To anyone else, their smiles could be seen as adoration for eachother.. two kids who's hearts were made for the other. To them, it was a sign of trust, a smile showing the other that they could confide in eachother, a promise that they'd stick together and push through the hardships that would come.

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