Ch. 3 (new) (finished)

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Julie's POV: I was laying in bed struggling to sleep. My head was spinning. 

Luke had said he liked me, then he kissed me. I decided I needed to let my feelings out, then maybe, just maybe I could fall asleep.

I sat up and reached over to turn on my lamp on my nightstand and grab my notebook with lyrics.

As I started writing the lyrics down, I could tell that writing it down help me get my feelings out. At the bottom of the page, after I finished writing the lyrics, I wrote "for Luke ❤️, from Julie"

I quickly folded up the lyrics and quickly but quietly got up out of my bed and went over to my dream box and put the lyrics in. I smiled at it. then I went back to bed and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and then went to eat breakfast. After I ate breakfast I went to the studio.

"Good morning guys!" I said as I opened the studio's doors and walked in.

But there was no one there. "Guys?"

Then all of a sudden, they said, "heyyyy!" from the loft, I looked up and they weren't there!

"BOO!" they yelled as they proofed in infront of me

"AHHHH! STOP doing that I'm SERIOUS!"

"eh, nah. It's too fun not to." Luke said with a playful grin.

I just rolled my eyes. Wait...... was Luke flirting with me!? In front of Alex and Reggie, too?!

"Well I gotta get going to school, see ya." I said before I walked out of the studio.

Luke ran after me. "Jules, wait up!"


"uh, um, have a good day at school." Luke said shyly as he blushed. And then out of nowhere he hugged me, blushed super hard, and then ran back into the studio, but before walked in, he winked at me. I could tell I was blushing.

Luke's POV: Julie had just left for so I didn't know what to do. Alex was looking for Willie, and Reggie was probably, well Reggie was probably just being Reggie. So I was bored as heck.

I walked into the Molina's house and just looked around. I walked up stairs, and then I saw the door to Julie's room. I knew I wasn't supposed to go in there, but I couldn't help it. I knew she would kill me, if I wasn't already dead, if she found out I went in her room.

I walked through the door into her room and it looked the same as the last time I was in here.

I looked around and then I saw it. Julie's dream box. I knew shouldn't look in it, but I couldn't help it, it was like it had a magnetic pull to it.

I went over to it and touched it and smiled at the solid touch. I started to open it, as I accidentally knocked it over. Oh gosh, everything had spilled onto the floor, I hoped that didn't much sound. Julie would kill me, or be really mad if she found out I went in her room. So I started picking the papers and other stuff up, carefully folding while putting them in the box.

Then I spotted a folded up paper that looked like lyrics, with the title

"Perfect Harmony" at the top. I picked it up and read it. Who was this about? I hoped it was about me. I looked at the bottom and it said "dance class", wait dance class? Was it about someone in her dance class? Wait... nick was in her dance class, and her dance partner! Was it seriously about that kid nick?

Then I remembered that I had seen a note on the back of the paper, turned the paper over, and at the end of the note it said "for Luke O, from Julie" OH MY GOSH! Yessir! I'm awesome!

As I read the note, I basically fell in love with Julie 100 times.

"as I danced with nick, i thought i was dancing with Luke. I could feel him and everything. It was perfect. Luke knows me so well. I snapped back into reality and realized I was actually dancing with nick, and I was a bit disappointed. Lukes great."

Dang, this girl is awesome.

When Julie came back home from school, she walked in the garage humming and dancing to Stand Tall, (we had recorded it for ourselves a little bit before the orpheum) i laughed at her dancing. It was just me in the garage other than her. I was sitting on the piano, with the lyrics in my hand.

"hey Jules" I said grinning, as I jumped off the piano and walked over to her. When I got to her I hugged her. "I'm saved!" I said laughing. "I have been so bored! Alex and Reggie left to go do their own stuff."

"well, yay for me, I saved someone!" Julie said laughing. Then she looked down at my hand, seeing the lyrics I was holding. "What's that?"

"um, totally not something I found that you wrote." I said backing up.

"Where'd you get that?!" She said, basically yelling.

"heh, totally not your dream box."

"YOU WENT THROUGH STUFF?! LUKE! give it back!"

"no, Julie! It's amazing!"

"what even is it? Lyrics? What song?"

"ummm... Perfect Harmony."

"Oh gosh, ummm....." julie said blushing. "Do you like it, at least?"

"jules, I love it, so much!"

"good, that's really good." She said sighing.

i sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to me. "Come, sit." she walked over and sat down. "What?"

"i just wanna say, that you're really amazing, really really amazing, Jules" i said, before kissing her cheek.

Julie blushed. "hey Luke?"


"are we like, dating now?"

"If you want to, I want to." I said, hoping she wanted to.

"I want to." She said blushing.

I was so pumped. "Yes!" I said, pumping my fist in the air. I leaned closer to juie, kissed her quickly, and then put my arm her, she leaned her head on my shoulder, looking up at me, smiling, I returned the smile, as I twisted her hair around my fingers.

Notes: let me know what you think! Do you like this better than the original chapter 3?

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