Ch. 6

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(Earlier while Julie was at school)

Reggie's POV: I poofed to the beach where me and Gracie had met, i was so excited to see her again!

I saw her turn around and her face light up when she saw me.

"hey Reggie!" Gracie said excitedly.

"hey! How ya doing?" I responded.

"I'm great! You?"

"im great too!"

"great! Hey, you wanna go walk around Hollywood?"

"Yea, sure!" I responded.

"c'mon, let's walk there." She said grabbing my hand and basically dragging me.

"Ok, ok." I said laughing.

We walked around Hollywood and talked almost all day.

We went back to the beach and talked in the grass.

"hey, Reggie?" She said sounding nervous.


"um, I have something tell you."

"ok? You can tell me."

"ummm, Reggie, I like you, like really really like you." She said quickly, blushing.

"wait really?" I said, my heart racing.

"yeah, I do. Umm. Do you like me? I mean if you don't I understand." I sat there in silence, staring at her.

"Um, Reggie?" Grace said, breaking the silence.

"um, huh?" I said.

"do you like me?"

"yes! I like you so much!"



She sighed a sigh of relief. "Thank god, I was worried."

"um, Gracie?"


"will you, um, will you be my girlfriend or go on a date with me?"

"yes! Yes!"

"to which one."

"both! Both!"

"area-" I was interrupted by a kiss. A kiss from Grace, Gracie, my new girlfriend!

A minute or two later, she pulled away and stared at me.

"Hey, umm, was that too much?" Grace asked unsure.

"Gracie, no, that was perfect." I said, smiling at her.

My JAPT Season 2Where stories live. Discover now