Ch. 14

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Luke's POV: we all poofed out together to the Hollywood Ghost Club. When we got there Julie was stunned.

"wow, I mean it's amazing." She said gasping.

"yeah, I know." I responded.

"no wonder you guys stayed here for a while." She said.

"yea," I said, standing next to her holding her hand, I smiled at her and she returned a small smile back,

"hey, this is gonna work."

"it better," she said. "because I don't want I'll do if it doesn't."

"Well its going to, so don't worry." I said, rubbing her back.



Later Chloe went to go distract her dad. And then we were supposed to go and sneak up on Caleb and put his stamp on him.

Me, Julie, and Alex were hiding behind a wall that was behind Caleb and Chloe. And Willie, Reggie, and Grace were hiding behind a wall in front of Caleb and Chloe.

I saw the chance to take action. But Reggie, Willie, and Grace weren't able to. I was about to go when Julie stopped me.

"Luke! No!" She whispered.

"Jules, this is our only chance." I said.

"Lu-" she started as I quickly kissed her cheek and got up and basically tackled Caleb.

I grabbed my arms around Caleb (like tackle like, not hug like), and said,

"This is what you get for hurting Julie!" Then I stamped his wrist.

"What!?" Caleb yelled. "Chloe?! Did you help them?"

"um, no?" Chloe said, obviously lying.

"you're lying, aren't you chloe?" Caleb asked. "I think I know my daughter."

He said.

"yeah, I'm lying." Chloe said, looking down at her feet.

"Chloe how could you do this to me?" Caleb asked, looking at Chloe, my arms still around him, I wasn't letting him go anywhere.

"dad, you're dangerous! You are hurting people!" Chloe yelled at him.

"Chloe I-" Caleb started.

"I don't wanna hear it." Chloe said, side eyeing Caleb.

Then all of a sudden Caleb got jolted, pushing me back from him.

"Dad!" Chloe started. "I hate what he's doing, but I don't think I can watch him suffer." Chloe said, turning away with tears in her eyes.

Then Caleb got jolted I don't know how many times in a row, after about 10 minutes he got a jolt and just vanished.

"D-did we defeat him?" Julie asked.

"Y-yeah, we did." Chloe said with tears in her eyes.

"ok, let's go." Alex said.

"Yeah, we should." Reggie replied.

"Luke, you could've gotten yourself really hurt." Willie said staring at me.

"well, sorry." I said sarcastically. "Sorry that I'm the reason we defeated the most powerful ghost in the world that almost killed us all." Everyone just rolled their eyes.

"Luke, read the room, dude." Julie said.

"sorry." I said. "K, let's go." I said holding her hand. But when I tried to poof out I didn't. I tried multiple times but didn't, I couldn't. What was happening?

"luke? What is it?" Julie asked with concern in her eyes.

"I-I-I don't know." I said. "I-I-I can't poof out."

"Alex, Reggie, you try." Julie said. Alex and Reggie stood there for a minute.

"Well?" Julie asked.

"I-I mean we, we can't poof out." Alex said.

"w-what does this mean?" Julie asked.

"I-I-I don't know." I responded. Then I realized something. I felt something.

Thx for 150 reads! I appreciate all of the support!

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