Ch. 4

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We get to meet a new character in this chapter!

Reggie's POV:I needed some alone time. I may seem like a big goofball most of the time, and I usually am but sometimes, I just need some peace and alone time for myself.

we still don't know what exactly happened. we had hugged Julie, became solid to her, and Caleb's curse had vanished from us. But what if Caleb was still out there? Just waiting for us? Heck, I don't wanna even think about that, but I just couldn't not think about.

I was sitting, cross legged, on the grass part of the beach that my old house had looked out on to, I was thinking about how crazy this all was, like Julie can touch us, and what if Caleb was still out there? Are my parents still alive? How's my little brother Stevi-oh my gosh Stevie, I almost forgot about that lil dude, I loved him so much, and I felt so guilty that 1 left him to deal with our parents' fights. I hope he's ok.

I was fidgeting around with the grass, (like when you play/fidget with grass or something because you're like bored or deep in thought, ya know? Well Reggie's in deep thought and he's bored, just needed to make that clear lol) and when I looked up I saw the cutest, and I mean the cutest, girl I have ever seen. She was taking photos of people, the beach and the shops, with what looked like a pretty expensive camera. She had the most perfect brunette hair in the cutest messy bun atop her head, was I in love with her at first sight? Maybe, if not I at least had a major crush on her already, and I didn't even know her name or how old she was, dang do I wish I was alive right now so I could talk to her. (Hehehehe, you'll find out why later I'm saying hehehe, hehehehe, I'm a lil evil hehehe, sorry I just had the huge urge to add some notes in ;D) She had these adorable oversized overalls on with paint splattered in some places, she had Jordans on that looked like she had customized them, and she had an adorable tight fit white cropped t-shirt on under the overalls. (Tell me if she should have glasses, if she does, she won't wear them all the time, maybe, idk)

I looked at her eyes, and they were perfect. Even from a distance I could tell she had the most perfect green and brown eyes ever. Then she started to walk over to me, and started taking photos, it looked like she was taking photos of me! But she couldn't be, I mean I'm a ghost.

But without thinking I asked, "why are you taking photos of me?" Oh shoot.

She can't even hear me. Then I heard her gasp.

I watched her gasp, covering her mouth and her eyes widening. Then she spoke, to me! "Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were a lifer, and you looked mesmerized by something, which I thought was funny, so I had to take a photo, and I need some photos to paint. Um.. Sorry for rambling on and on. I'm just shocked that I finally met another ghost!" She said shyly. " Oh! I forgot to introduce myself," she said sitting down across from me, cross legged. "I'm Gracelyn Williams, but you can call me Gra-"

"Gracie." I said interrupting her as I saw her blush. "Oh um, I'm sorry for interrupting you, what were you say?

"oh it's fine" she said shyly, while tucking her hair behind her ear. "I was gonna say you can call me Grace, but I actually really really like Gracie, hmm, Gracie Williams, that sounds good. Oh, I didn't get your name."

"I'm Reginald, I mean, Reggie Shaw, but some people call m Reg, well actually only my bandmates, but they're also my only friends I've had as a ghost."

"wow! You're in a band?" Gracie asked me, sounding impressed. "What band?"

"julie and the phantoms," I replied, "tell your friends."

"oh! I've heard of you guys, I actually saw your show at the orpheum! You guys were really good! Wait but I thought it was a hologram band, and you have a lifer in your band?!"

"yea, Julie had to cover up the fact that she was playing with ghosts, so holograms it was! We don't even know why she can see us, but we can touch her now! that's something I've been thinking about a lot lately, we were under a curse by the ghost named Caleb and he wanted us to be in his house band for eternity and he was going to destroy was if we didn't, but Julie hugged us and the curse was gone and we became soli-"

"wait," Gracie said interrupting me, "Caleb? Caleb Covington? Who owns the Hollywood Ghost Club?"

"yea, the same. What do you know about him? How do you know about him?" I asked, worried my dream girl worked for probably my greatest enemy.

"well, the only other ghost i know, knows a lot of stuff about him. But she does work for him, but not by choice, she knows how dangerous and powerful he is."

"yea, I seriously thought that me and the guys would just randomly poof out into nonexistence. We were close to it, too."

"oh my gosh, my so sorry. My friend, thinks she knows a way to defeat Caleb, but she said that telling me how would put both her and me in danger."

"Oh, well that sucks."

"yea. But tell me about yourself!"

"oh, ok!" so we talked for a few hours.

"hey, how long have we been here?" I asked.

"I think a few hours." Gracie said.

"oh shoot! My band probably thinks i'm like lost or something, I should go, bye!"

"hey wait, reggie!"


"do you think we could meet up again and hang out?"

"yea! Of course, meet here? Tomorrow? Noon?"


"k, bye!"

No one's pov lol: meanwhile while reggie was talking to grace: "guys, where the heck is reggie!?" julie said pacing back and forth in the studio.

"I don't know!" luke said his head in his hands. "alex you were the last one to see him."

"he just said he was gonna go on a walk to think! When does he ever think?

But anyways he didn't say where he was going." Alex said, sounding panicked.

"well this is just great guys." Julie said, looking back and forth between alex and luke, with her hands on her hips. "ugh. We can't practice without reggie.

So where the heck is he, we need to prac-"

Reggie's POV: as I poofed in julie was in the middle of a sentence, and she heard me poof in, stopped talking, turned around and ran over to hug me.

"hi?" I said questionably.

"reggie! You worried us! Where were you!?" julie said.

"yea, man, you had us worried, especially alex over here." Luke said chuckling.

"what the heck, man? I do NOT worry that much." Alex said, shaking his head.

"yea, right." Luke said, as we all tried to hide our laughter from alex.

Alex just rolled his eyes.

"but, anywaaaays, where were you reg?" alex asked, trying to go back to the original subject.

"well I was at the beach, and I met a new ghost!" I said trying to hide my excitement.

"really?" luke said excited. "what's their name? And you seem really excited."

" huh? I don't know what you're talking about. But her name is Gracie- I mean Gracelyn, but she goes by grace, and she's really nice too!" I responded, great, I was too excited, so now luke probably thinks i'm completely in love with her.

"oooh, sounds like reggie has a crush on someone!" luke said, teasing me.

"luke, dude, stop it." Julie said, having my back.

"yes, Boss." Luke replied, sounding sarcastic but also serious, trying not to laugh.

"thanks julie." I said, grateful.

"ok guys, let's start practicing." Julie said to us.

"kay boss." Luke said, looking at her while plugging in his guitar.

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