Ch. 5 (things are getting serious in this one, hehe)

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Julie's POV: I felt like today was gonna be good, except for school obviously.

I woke up got ready for, went said hi and bye to the boys, Luke hugged me before I left, then I walked to school with Flynn, pretty normal. when 1 got to my locker, I got my books and put them in my backpack. I closed my door and nick was there.

"Oh, hey nick!"

"hey Julie. How was your day yesterday?" He said, weirdly. Nick had been acting weird lately, and I didn't know why.

"it was good, how bout you?"

"splendid, my day was fantastic. See you later."

"Kay, bye nick" I wondered what was wrong with him.

(after school)

I heard a knock on the door, so I went to open it, and none other then nick was standing there.

"hello Julie." He said suspiciously. "did you enjoy my sunflowers?"

"um, yes." I said nervous.

"marvelous." Nick said. "Julie, I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?"

"nick, no, you already asked me that." I said, confused why he forgot about that. "I said i liked someone else"

"of course." Nick said as he was cornering me, backing me up to the kitchen counter. He grabbed on to my wrist.

"nick, that hurts. Please stop!" I said, scared of what he was going to do to me. He just grabbed my wrists harder. "Nick! STOP!" I said, holding in my tears.

He leaned in, and whispered in my ear, "Julie, you will be mine and only mine, or else you will regret it."

I was so scared, as I pulled my wrists away from him and pushed him away from me. "nick, I'm going to need you to leave." I said, as I trembled.

"ok, but you'll regret not going out with me." He said as he walked out the door and left.

I shut the door and locked it, I turned around and Luke was standing in front of me. He looked at my eyes for one second and immediately knew something was wrong.

"dude, you have to STOP doing that!" I said, trying to cover up my fear, and the fact that I was about to bawl my eyes out.

"yeah, yeah" he said unsure. "Jules, are you ok?"

"yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I said, not sounding like I was really fine. I looked down at my feet, just before Luke held my hands in his own. I looked up into his deep hazel eyes. And I smiled a small smile.

"Jules, you know you can tell me anything right?"

"yeah, i know." I said, trying not to break down. But I couldn't help it, I slid down the door, onto the floor crying. Luke sat down next to me, rubbing my back and still holding my hand.

"Jules, what happened?" He said softly.

"W-w-well." I said shakily.

"it's ok, take your time." He said reassuringly.

"n-nick, nick came over and he asked me out again, even though the first time I said no. An-and then h-he cornered me." I said between sobs. "An-and then he said something about that I would be his and only his, or else I would regret it."

"oh Jules," Luke said softly, hugging me, my head on his shoulder. "It's gonna be ok, I won't let anything happen to you."

I looked up at him, wiping my eyes, "thanks Luke." I said between sniffs.

"Yeah, of course." He said, still holding me in his arms.

Alex and Reggie poofed in right as Luke was helping me stand up. they got one look at me and knew something was wrong.

"Julie, are you ok?" Reggie asked.

"um yeah, I'm fine, reg." I said lying

"julie..." Alex said while giving me a 'we know you're lying tell us what happened' look.

I looked back at Luke. Giving him a look that he knew meant to tell the guys what happened because I couldn't.

Luke told the guys what had happened, and they looked shocked and angry.

And that's when Luke finally burst with anger.

"Julie! Why would Nick do that! He can't do that! He hurt you!" Luke yelled out of anger. "I mean, look at your wrists!" He said gesturing toward my red, almost swollen wrists. "I'm going to kill him." Luke muttered.

"Luke, I heard that. And were not going to kill anyone, it was like he was someone else, like he was talking like he was from another period of time." I said.

The guys all stared at each other in disbelief looking back and forth between each other.

"guys, what is it?" I asked worried.

"Caleb." The boys all said at once.

CLIFFHANGER! I know, I know, I'm so evil. You'll just have to wait. Hehehehe. Oh and happy April Fools! My sister put ALL of her squishmallows in front of my door and I jumped lol. God bless.

-love itsevvvv ❤️

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