Ch. 9

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Julie's POV: When we got back to the studio I realized what time it was.

"hey guys, I gotta go eat dinner." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Luke said. "See you later, Jules."

"i'Il come back to the studio after dinner." I said to the guys.

"K, have a good dinner!" Reggie said as I was walking out.

Luke's POV: As Julie walked out, i was disappointed. We hadn't gotten much time just the two of us today.

"Luke?" Reggie said.

"Huh? Oh, um, yeah?" I asked.

"What's going on between you and Julie?" he asked.

"W-wha-what do you mean?" I asked, knowing where he was going with this.

"you and julie haven't been in any fights with each other at all, lately, and you guys have been staring at each other wayyy more lately, and she was ok with you holding her hand. What is going on?" Reggie asked.

"I agree with Reg, something is going on between you two." Alex said.

"What is it?"

"ok, ok, there is something going on between me and julie." I said, immediately regretting saying that.

"Yes! I knew it!" Alex said.

At the same time Reggie said "I knew it! Yes! I was right!"

"Buttt," I said, "I'm not telling you what without Julie and Julie has to be ok with it, so don't say a word."

"Got it." Alex said as Reggie said, "Yes sir!"

"Thanks guys." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

(after dinner)

Julie's POV: "hey Julie, can I talk to you? I didn't get to after the Orpheum." Carlos said to me.

"yeah, sure." I said, I was worried, but I'm pretty sure I know what he's going to talk to me about. "Wanna go talk in my room?" I asked.

"yea, sure." Carlos said.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, when we were in my room, already knowing what he wanted to talk about.

"Julie, I know about the boys in your band, they're ghosts, they're not holograms. I'm right, aren't I?" Carlos said.

"Yes, you're right Carlos." I said. "But Carlos, you can't tell anyone, especially not Dad, got it?"

"Got it, I got a video of you talking to that one Luke," he said, oh great, now I'm busted, "but then I heard you talk about Mom, and realized that they were the ones that helped you get back into music. So I deleted the video, because I don't want you to risk losing the ones that helped you get back into music because of me."

"Thanks, Carlos, but I've got to go back to the studio, I told the guys I would come back after dinner." I said. "Remember, don't tell anyone. Got it?"

"Got it." he said.

"Promise?" I said holding out my pinkie.

"Promise." He said squeezing my pinkie with his.

"Thanks." I said as I walked out of my room.

"Hey guys, I've got to talk to yo-" I started then was interrupted by Luke.

"Julie, the guys know that something is going on between you and me, but they don't know what. So should we tell them?" Luke said.

"Yea, sure, you can tell them, but the-" I started, interrupted by Luke, once again.

"Me and Julie are dating!" Luke blurted out.

"Congrats guys!" Alex and Reggie said, hugging and congratulating us.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks guys. But I really got to talk to you." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, ok, what is it? "Luke asked, finally letting me talk.

"Carlos knows about you guys, but it's fine because he's not going to tell anyone." I said.

"oh yeah, we already knew that." Alex said, glaring at Reggie. "he came in here before the Orpheum, and said 'have a good show, boy band.' and after we played Finally Free, Reggie messed with a lamp, the blinds, and a blanket!"

"Reggie!" I yelled. "Why would you do that?"

"Because, he's Reggie." Luke said laughing.

"That all checks out." I said, laughing, looking at Reggie who looked offended.

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