20. Uprising

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As Nano and the Prince realize that the guards have developed a resistance to Nano's sleeping gas, their ability to communicate covertly is compromised. In their final conversation, before this method is rendered ineffective, Nano informs the Prince about the upcoming Axis session and assures him that Bognar has received the message and evidence they provided. While the Prince is relieved to hear this, his relief is tempered by Nano's revelation that someone followed Bognar and informed the Parliament.

This news sets off alarm bells for the Prince, who understands the potential implications of the increased security measures and military presence in Mish. The Parliament's imposition of a curfew on the city and surrounding towns signals an expansion of their authority and control, heightening tensions and indicating a potentially dire turn of events for Mish and its inhabitants.

As Elise contacts the leader of the pro-Prince movement, a collaborative plan is forged to ensure Bognar's safety on his journey to Peiris, especially now that the Parliament intends to send another representative. Many supporters of the Prince within the army have pledged their allegiance to the Principality of Mish, prioritizing the well-being of their nation over obedience to the outdated mandates of the Parliament.

However, the stakes are high, and failure could result in dire consequences not only for themselves but also for their families, who have also pledged their loyalty to the Prince. Many are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, knowing that their defiance could lead to retaliation against their loved ones. This grim reality echoes similar struggles in Nano's world, where revolutions and civil wars have often been the unfortunate but necessary means to safeguard the survival and freedom of others.

Despite the risks and the potential for violence, the group is resolute in their determination to protect Bognar and uphold their principles, understanding that sometimes, bloodshed is an unavoidable price for securing a better future for their people.

City of Mish, Day of departure towards Peiris

As the morning unfolds, a pro-Prince spy shares crucial intel: the carriage for the Parliament representative is prepared, flanked by a dozen elite soldiers and cavalry, poised to protect the conveyance throughout its journey. The route is slated to traverse the main road leading to the Fox Route, a six-day trek culminating in Peiris. The plan is to strike on the third day, as the carriage exits the Fox Route for a secondary road cutting through a desolate expanse of the central plains. Here, an assault team will lie in wait amid the tall grass, primed to pounce when Nano signals by taking down one of the horses pulling the carriage. The attackers will swiftly dispatch the cavalry before luring the soldiers into the ambush within the dense foliage.

However, given the formidable defense surrounding the carriage, there's a significant risk of the ambush faltering. In preparation for such an outcome, all pro-Prince soldiers stand ready to take their own lives by ingesting a small pouch containing a lethal toxin crafted by Nano, derived from poisonous berries. This grim contingency underscores their unwavering resolve to protect their cause, even in the face of potential failure.

As the carriage sets off, the prince's soldiers swiftly mount their dragons, dispersing to various positions along potential routes identified by Nano's calculations. By nightfall, they halt the carriage's progress, allowing the soldiers to advance further and scout possible routes based on Nano and the prince's instructions. On the second day, the carriage takes divergent paths, prompting the soldiers to split and continue their surveillance through the night. By the third day, as the carriage ventures onto a desolate route, a specialized team is poised for action. Ten swordsmen and seven Musketeers armed with Nano-1 muskets strategically positioned themselves on both sides of the road. Elise and Mogens oversee operations from concealed positions, issuing commands to the soldiers. Meanwhile, Durin and Thanh conceal themselves in the dense grasslands, ready to ambush the footsoldiers. Thorin positions himself in a tree, equipped with a small mirror for signaling. In addition to the planned team, Nano positions himself on a nearby hill, accompanied by five more Musketeers equipped with long-range muskets featuring sights developed by Nano who seized the opportunity of the ambush to test these new weapons. With the entire team in position, they await the signal to execute their meticulously planned ambush, poised to strike with precision and efficiency.

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