21. Diplomatic relations

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Port city of Raulum, Zatadia territory, Valardian empire

In the newly occupied territory of Zatadia, Valardia has seized control of the port towns that were once part of Akromis, situated along the Exningdon Lake in north-western Therabilia. On the opposite shore of the lake lies the Grand Duchy of Eurebia to the southwest, while the surrounding territory to the north and south Therabilia remains largely unclaimed due to harsh conditions and limited resources.

Valardia's strategy involves utilizing Krony-type ships to traverse the lake and disembark near Eurebia, exploiting the Aniacorum River that serves as a natural boundary between Eurebia and the uninhabited regions. The timing of their crossing is planned for the onset of summer to mitigate potential hazards posed by ice and extreme cold, which could hamper the effectiveness of Valardian forces.

In response to the invasion of Zatadia, the port cities have taken drastic measures to prevent Valardia from commandeering their ships, with many vessels being destroyed to thwart enemy use. Any individuals found responsible for salvaging ships have faced severe consequences. Currently, Valardia is coercing non-human inhabitants of the port towns to labor despite the unforgiving climate conditions.

 Currently, Valardia is coercing non-human inhabitants of the port towns to labor despite the unforgiving climate conditions

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(Krony type ship used by Valardia)

In the cycle 781 of the Brury Era, the Valardian Logistics Division has pinpointed the capital city of Eurebia, nestled along the shore of a small bay within the Eureba Seneschalty. A strategic plan has been devised, capitalizing on the natural fog that blankets the lake during the cold seasons. As the waters remain calm, ships equipped with directional roses (compasses) are expected to maintain a straight course through the mist, ensuring they do not veer off track.

A small fleet will initiate an attack on the city of Condie, prompting it to send an alert to the nearby Eureba. In response, Eureba will dispatch its ships to Condie, while the remainder of the Valardian fleet moves in to assault Eureba itself.The necessity of this fog-based tactic has led to the authorization of a Valardian navy by the Valardian Korrin. However, with the military budget predominantly allocated to ground forces stationed along the conquered nations' frontiers, the navy must make do with whatever resources can be mustered from the conquered towns.Relations in Western Therabilia have deteriorated significantly following the attack on Akromis City. Despite the city's resistance, Inquisitor Didar was compelled to retreat to the safety of Golcis, situated on the frontier with Ephidrosia, which now serves as the temporary capital of Akromis.

Thousands of volunteers from across Akromis have enlisted in the ground forces, resulting in manpower shortages across the country. Women have stepped up to fill the void left by men in various roles, including common labor, while the Inquisitor has instituted work programs to support them in producing and supplying essential resources for the soldiers on the frontlines. Ephidrosia has adopted a similar approach, marking the initial strides towards gender equality in Therabilia, although Nano's efforts in his factories have preceded this development, a fact he intends to downplay in the annals of history.

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