23. Urban warfare

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In the Linonium River, Warlord Ivory has been granted permission to advance his troops towards the heartland of Eurebia. Over two days, Ivory and his generals meticulously plan their attack strategy, ultimately opting for the classic "hammer and anvil" approach. In this strategy, the "hammer" force will initiate the attack from the Linonium River, while the "anvil" force will hold a position along the shores of Eureba. Ivory carefully oversees the organization of the cavalry units, which are designated as the "hammer" force. These troops are to charge from the north, heading towards the grasslands in the east. Reconnaissance teams are stationed along the route to monitor the south and west, ensuring no unexpected Eurebian reinforcements arrive from those directions. Meanwhile, the "anvil" force consists of Valardian troops positioned along the shores of Eureba. They are supported by naval artillery stationed in the lake, as well as siege weapons and bombards strategically placed amidst the ruins of the city. Ivory has allotted three days for the Valardian troops to clear the city and fortify their defenses. However, this task proves challenging due to the intricate maze of streets within the city and the presence of lingering enemy forces.

In Eureba, the Valardian ships receive orders to bombard specific buildings within the city, prompting Valardian soldiers to retreat from the streets towards the harbor to avoid being caught in the bombardment. The projectiles rain down, indiscriminately claiming the lives of numerous Eurebian soldiers and civilians who had sought refuge within the targeted buildings. However, the Valardians take care to avoid striking larger structures that could potentially serve as fortified positions for their own forces.Realizing the tactic employed by the Valardians, Eurebian defenders quickly seek shelter within these larger buildings, forcing the Valardians to halt their bombing campaign and instead advance on foot. The siege of Eureba transforms into a grueling urban conflict, with both sides entrenched in the labyrinthine streets and engaging in blind shootouts amid the swirling dust and smoke from the ensuing fires.In some instances, close-quarters combat becomes inevitable due to the cramped conditions and the need to avoid inadvertently firing upon allies. Civilians and soldiers alike are forced to fight tooth and nail against the invading Valardians, utilizing whatever makeshift weapons and defenses they can muster. The remnants of the castle also serve as strategic vantage points, enabling Eurebian defenders to mount surprise attacks on the Valardians from above, further complicating the invaders' efforts and making progress through the city slow and arduous. Despite the fierce resistance, both sides remain locked in a brutal struggle for control of Eureba's streets.

In Cloudwell Park near the Emaguskapur Shrine, Ramin, an orc merchant, finds himself aiding Eurebian soldiers and civilians in the defense of the shrine against the Valardian invaders. A soldier instructs Ramin and a group of defenders to ascend to the upper tower of the shrine to observe the harbor, allowing them to assess the enemy's movements. Upon reaching the tower, Ramin quickly scans the harbor using a spyglass typically employed for stargazing. As he adjusts the lens to focus on the coast, he observes several boats being deployed from the Valardian ships, each packed with soldiers destined for the shore. However, before he can relay this information, another individual draws his attention to something peculiar happening in the water.Peering through the spyglass once more, Ramin spots a fleet of ships reminiscent of ancient triremes, releasing spherical objects into the water below. Curious and apprehensive, he shifts his gaze back to the coastline, where the Valardian soldiers are disembarking. To his astonishment, he witnesses the emergence of numerous golems from the water, the very same constructs he had heard Valardia was utilizing in their campaigns.Realizing the gravity of the situation, Ramin hastens to descend the tower and convey his startling discovery to the awaiting soldiers, knowing that this newfound information could significantly impact their defense strategy against the advancing Valardian forces.

As Ramin arrives, chaos erupts as Valardian soldiers engage him and his companions in a fierce struggle. Amidst the fray, a fellow merchant intervenes, wielding a pitchfork to disarm one of the assailants, allowing Ramin to seize the fallen sword and retaliate against another Valardian aggressor. However, the skirmish is interrupted by a hail of gunfire from Valardian musketeers positioned strategically across the street, forcing Ramin and his allies to seek refuge within the confines of the shrine.With Valardian soldiers forming a shield wall to protect their musketeers from Eurebian crossbow fire, Ramin devises a plan to disrupt their formation. Urging the soldiers to ascend to higher ground, he suggests using decorative statues to break the shield wall and create openings for the crossbowmen to target the exposed musketeers below.As they execute their plan, the situation grows more dire as dragons soar over the city, raining fire down upon the wooden structures and defensive barricades erected in the streets, hindering the Valardian advance. Amidst the chaos, Ramin and his companions succeed in toppling the statues, disrupting the shield formation and allowing the crossbowmen to inflict casualties on the exposed Valardian musketeers.However, their momentary victory is overshadowed by a looming threat as an Eurebian soldier raises the alarm about an incoming projectile from the harbor, aimed at their tower. Bracing for impact, Ramin prepares for the worst, only to witness a miraculous intervention as a wizard utilizes air magic to redirect the projectile back towards the harbor, where it strikes a Valardian siege weapon with devastating effect.Shaken but emboldened by the wizard's intervention, Ramin heeds the wizard's warning and hastily retreats from the tower with his companions, mindful of the imminent danger posed by further Valardian attacks.

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