Chapter 19

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As Timi walked out of Atlas's room, she felt a mix of frustration and confusion. She couldn't quite put her finger on why the idea of Jane and Atlas hanging out bothered her so much. Was it jealousy? Or was she just being protective of her friend?

Meanwhile, Atlas remained in his room, pondering Timi's reaction. He couldn't understand why she had seemed so bothered by the suggestion. Was it possible that she had feelings for him too? The thought sent a shiver down his spine, both thrilling and terrifying him.

Lost in their own thoughts, both Timi and Atlas spent the rest of the evening contemplating the dynamics of their friendship and the unspoken feelings that lingered beneath the surface.

As night fell, Timi found herself tossing and turning in bed, unable to shake the unease that had settled in her chest. And in his own room, Atlas stared up at the ceiling, grappling with the realization that his feelings for Timi ran deeper than he had ever imagined.

Little did they know, their friendship was about to face a series of challenges that would test the strength of their bond and force them to confront the undeniable truth that their relationship was anything but ordinary.



"Can you even imagine?" I vented to my sister over a video call. "He wants to date my friend."

Tife paused, letting out a sigh. "Do you like this boy?" she inquired, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

"No," I replied firmly. "Atlas is my friend, and we're close, but I can't picture both my friends dating."

"Why? What's wrong with that?" Tife pressed, her smile widening.

"It just feels... off," I explained, turning away slightly.

"No, I think you like Atlas," she asserted.

"I don't like him," I insisted, feeling defensive. "He doesn't even like me, and besides, I'm with someone else."

"You're just deceiving yourself," Tife countered. "You mentioned before that you and Atlas have kissed. So why did you both kiss if he doesn't like you?"

"He doesn't like me," I repeated, frustration creeping into my voice. "And we don't need to like anybody just to kiss them. It can just be..."

"Friends with benefits," Tife finished my sentence.

"No... We can be lost and just trying to find solace in each other's..."

"Lips," she interrupted, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"No... Arms," I corrected, smiling in spite of myself.

"Well, all these are just baby brains," Tife remarked. "I won't be surprised when you tell me that you and Atlas are dating, and Kelvin cheated or whatever."

"Kelvin won't cheat," I asserted, feeling a pang of defensiveness.

"After what he did the first time, Team Atlas," Tife declared, ending the call before I could respond.

As the call ended, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that lingered in my mind. Did I really not like Atlas? The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me feeling confused and unsure of my own feelings.

I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of Tife's words lingering in the air long after the call had ended. It was true that Atlas and I shared a close bond, but I had never considered the possibility of anything more than friendship between us.

As I lay on my bed, my thoughts drifted back to the moments Atlas and I had shared – the laughter, the banter, and yes, even the occasional kiss. Despite my insistence that our relationship was purely platonic, there was an undeniable chemistry between us that I couldn't ignore.

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