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Lucifer... Had what is best described as a silly streak a mile long. He was fond of pranks and causing mischief around Heaven. He found it funny to prank his older brother Michael the most as his reactions led Lucifer to mocking him. Most of the time these pranks are harmless.


If you can't count how much Lucifer loved fire. You wouldn't need to, his love for fire outweighed anything else. And usually fire and pranks don't mix well for Lucifer. Lucifer had an older brother named Galim. Galim is Head of Security in Heaven. His job is to get accused Angels to court.

One day his birthday fell upon them. The cake was a pretty beautiful cake. His father made it just for Galim's birthday. It was a lovely three layered cake with nice icing around it Yellow, Orange and Red on their own layer. It was a beautiful cake. The cake was made by God, despite his obvious favoritism he always goes all out for his children's birthday.

One year for Michael's birthday he made a golden cake that had golden icing on the sides. Making cakes was always God's forte, whatever the occasion is, expect a cake to be made for it.

But back to the point, God made this cake for Galim's birthday and was making the final touches to the cake. He placed candles on it. Due to how they aged, the candles had to be done in the manner of being in their 20s. So he placed a 2 and 5 on the cake before walking away to do something real quick.

Lucifer was behind in the area at the time, and it led to him doing what he did best: being silly. He switched the cake with a flammable one, due to his magic, they could conjure up things that went against nature.

This cake was no different.

Lucifer loved cake, he loved it with all of his heart. But today. This cake would be destroyed, he ran off before God came back to pick up the cake. Lucifer knew his little trick would cause uproar. But he didn't care.

The moment the cake was taken into the next room, all hell broke loose.

"Happy Birthday, Galim." God said, lighting the lighter. He made his way to the candle. Instead of the candle only lighting the cake. The whole cake lit on fire. Pandemonium broke out as the cake bursted in flames. Galim was screaming, God was trying desperately to unlit the fire, Gabriel was running around panicking, Michael glared at Lucifer, Cassius was complaining about her outfit being ruined, Joel was trying to do damage control, Azrael was trying his best to calm down Gabriel, and Leroy was helping his father.

Things escalated when the piece of flaming cake hit the newly born Nyx, this caused God to panic as Nyx was his daughter. He ordered everyone to clean the mess up immediately and report here, while he picked up Nyx.

Lucifer was only 5 years old, everyone especially Michael knew he was the one behind the cake.

"Lucifer did this! I'm never having a birthday ever again!" Galim yelled. And he kept that promise to this day. It was weird that Galim doesn't like fire despite having hair for it- and Lucifer pointed it out numerous times when God would scold him for it. But just like every time, God would let Lucifer off the hook.

When Lucifer was older, his next prank was to mess with Adam, and by that he went ahead and tried to steal Lilith from Adam. This didn't work as Lillith was not interested in Lucifer, but eventually Lillith left Adam and didn't try and seek out Lucifer.

Lucifer was heartbroken that the girl he loved didn't love him back, he blamed Adam for this, and decided to mess with him one last time. When Adam was given another wife named Vivian, Lucifer decided to tempt Vivian with the apple causing her to eat it and be banished from Heaven.

This was all a ploy that Lucifer and Vivian worked together on. They planned to have run away together because Vivian detested Adam and didn't want anything to do with him at all.

Adam was devastated that his second wife was banished. But didn't really care because he was given a third and last wife who was named Eve.

Lucifer was silly, yes. But he was given multiple chances and each and every last chance was excused... But this time, God couldn't excuse what Lucifer did.

Lucifer loved fire, remember that? Well his silly streak caused a bunch of Heaven Children in a Treehouse to die. Lucifer immediately ran from the scene, and didn't look back, when Galim found this out, reported it to Michael and then to God, God left it to Michael, and Michael did what he needed to do.

Lucifer could feel himself falling, falling, falling. His once beautiful handsome look has transformed into nothingness and immediately molded him into the Devil.

He could see darkness as he fell. Then light.

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