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It's been nearly a few hours since Nyx has been in the White Room. Or days. She didn't know. The white room was traumatizing for her. She was sobbing. Her eye throbbed and her back burns from her wings being forcibly removed. She couldn't stand the burning pains of her wingless back.

She sighed and laid on the white floor. Before a click was heard. She gasped.

"Um, like. Michael said it's time to be like let out." It was Cassius.

Nyx rushes out the room sobbing before vomiting on the floor Cassius yelps and stood back disgusted.

"Ew, you're like! Getting PEE-YEWK everywhere! You're going to like ruin my clothes!" Cassius shrieks. But frowned once her sister emptied her stomach.

"Are you like, okay?" Cassius asked curiously, never expecting to see her sister all like this.

"Michael... he did this..." Nyx had her hair cover her right eye.

"Ohmigosh! Did he like, hurt you? And we need to get you new clothes now." Cassius helped her up. She frowned and headed towards the closet where she makes new clothes.

"So like, what did you do this time?" Cassius asked.

"I... I went to Hell when he told me not to go..." Nyx said, Cassius gasped.

"Omigosh that's like a Death Sentence! You're lucky to be alive!" Cassius said. Nyx nodded.

Cassius handed Nyx a medical eyepatch. Nyx placed it on.

"Let's like get you a new look! One that won't make you look silly. New clothes too." Cassius said, for the next hour Cassius worked on her hair and clothes.

"I can't believe Michael would like mutilate you like that! He's such a big fat stuck up meanie!" Cassius said.

"..." Nyx was silent.

"Nyx, is he like hurting you, badly?" Cassius asked.

"..." She was silent.

"Nyx, please like tell me, I am like genuinely concerned for you." Cassius said.

"...If I tell you, would you tell anyone else?" Nyx asked.

"I promise it would like stay in here." Cassius said.

Nyx took a deep breath. "Yes, he is."

"How badly is he like hurting you?" Cassius asked.

"Whenever I'd disobey him, he'll throw me in the white room... It's bad, Please don't make me go back, please..." Nyx begs.

"I like can't promise you! But I will like advise you tell Dad or someone you trust, because what Michael did was like, horrible." Cassius said. Nyx wiped her working eye tears off.

"I'm scared to, what if they talk to him, he lies and makes things worse?" Nyx asked.

"Then I don't know, he shouldn't get away with this, this is like very bad." Cassius said.

"..." Nyx placed her head down.

"I remember when we used to like do things like this all the time! We used to be soooo close!" Cassius said.

Nyx could only sadly smile at that.

Scene changes to Michael walking down the hallways of God's Palace, heading to Seraphim Station. He opened the door seeing Adam laze about on the couch eating ribs sloppily getting it everywhere, Michael grimaced in disgust assessing the room for Eve. He sees Adam and Eve's offspring, a Heavenborn by the name of Lizzie stamping a few postcards for the ones out on the other layers of Heaven.

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