The Calm Before The Storm

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Jezebel was panicking as tomorrow was the date where Micheal comes to take the sinners and hellborns. She knew that there's not much she could do until it happens but there's got to be a way to prevent it from happening. She was trying to sort out possible scenarios.

"Woah, calm down princess." Lawrence snickers.

"What am I supposed to do?! We have one day! And it's not enough!" Jezebel panics. Lawrence sighs.

"You might as well accept defeat at this rate. We're as good as fucked." Vixxen points out.

"You're probably just grumpy and blunt because you miss your crush." Lawrence points out embarrassing Vixxen.

"Oh shut it." Vixxen hisses.

"You're just yelling at me, because I'm right." Lawrence rolled his eyes, he rolled back on the couch typing away on his phone.

"I'm guessing things aren't going to well?" Cipher asked, Fran following behind him.

"Whatja think?" Lawrence points to the mess of papers strewn about while Jezebel was speaking in ancient Demon language. As things were floating everywhere.

"Yeah, I see. We have to make sure none of us is out there during the exodus." Cipher comments.

"Why is she making a big deal of it anyways? It happens every year without fail." Lucius scoffe, crossing his arms.

"Well, because sweet stuffs. She tagged along with her father to stop the attempt of Bitch A Lot going here to steal us. But that went about as well as ya think." Lawrence said.

"Don't call me that." Lucius seethes.

"Anyways, all I can say, Jezebel, prepare for tommorrow." 

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