Change Your Mind

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In Heaven, God's palace, a female sat on the chair of her room staring at the picture of her older brother Lucifer. This was Nyx, zhe felt the scar on her face and sighed and rubbed the image of Lucifer tenderly.

"♫I wake each morning to stars growing dim As Michael's light eclipses my own whim Another day behind these clouds to stay While Lucifer's world beckons far away I read the stories of his fiery realm He governs souls without Heaven's opulent helm No rules to Follow, no prudish demands Just freedom to roam the infernal lands!♫" Nyx sang and got up moving her dress skirt around.

"♫When will I see Lucifer's world? Break free of this place where my wings are unfurled? If only, if only I could descend And reunite with my dear oldest friend?♫" Nyx walks out the door running down the halls past a few lower ranking Angels.

"♫Michael's warnings I've memorized by rote Don't trust that snake, his evil remains smote But deep in my heart I know his love is true For me, his baby sister, his morning dew The scar upon my face, from his silly prank Doesn't make me fear him, quite the opposite rank He's wild and passionate, life's burning fire Everything I'm lacking and deeply desire!♫" Running down the Halls she walked to the balcony and jumped on the swing like pulley.

"♫When will I see Lucifer's world? Break free of this place where my wings are unfurled? If only, if only I could descend And reunite with my dear oldest friend!♫" Nyx pulled on the pulley and was lifted on the air she swung with her feet on the Pulley.

"♫So long I've waited behind Heaven's veil Missing that bright spark that would never fail To make me laugh, despite the pain

Lucifer's world is where I'm meant to reign!♫" Nyx sang continuing to swing.

"♫When will I see Lucifer's world? Break free of this place where my wings are unfurled? If only, if only I could descend And reunite with my dear oldest friend No more delaying, no more depending On Michael's control, this cycle unending! I'll spread my wings and take to the wind To bask in the glory of Lucifer's sin!♫" Nyx sang as the pulley snaps making her yelp in surprise and falling. She yelped and gets up seeing Michael.

"Michael!" She stood up attentively to her older brother and superior, dusting herself and standing up straight.

"Nyx." Michael said curtly.

"Michael you're just the Angel I needed to see!" Nyx said, Michael walks off and Nyx followed.

"Oh really?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. It's about something important to me." Nyx said.

"Hm, that's a first. What is it that you want?" Michael asked.

"I want to go to Hell to visit Lucifer." Nyx said, this causes Michael to grip the pen he was holding breaking it and shook his head.

"Nyx, you want to go to Hell? Oh please." Michael said.

"♫Dear little Nyx, sweet seraphim Here's what I suggest Forget this notion, don't be so dim Of visiting that fallen pest Lucifer, our black-winged sibling Just craves chaos, reckless and wild

Surely you remember the anguish When his prank left you burnt and riled?♫" Michael sang, pinching Nyx's cheek causing her cheek to burn from the scar. Nyx was shocked.

"But-" She starts.

"Shhh, trust me sis..." Michael placed a finger on Nyx's lips.

"♫Brother knows best Listen to your bro Those scorching lies, he only wants to sow Stay with me, night dove Safe from the inferno Brother knows best So be a good little angel, don't go!♫" Michael sang twirling her around.

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