7 Sins and A Conundrum

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Michael found himself angered by the death of his sister. He gripped his seat. He had made the decision to kill those pathetic sinners instead, but his plans have been sidetracked that his Dad is back in the picture. But hey, they are holy divine creatures they can do whatever, right? 

His mulling is interrupted by a sound. "Whose there?" Michael gets up. 

"Oh, that's not a way to talk to your dear brother..." The voice said. 

"Oh shut it." Michael got up and turned to face the voice before his eyes narrowed down. 

"Seraphiel. I thought we got rid of you." Michael said. 

"Oh shut it. You know, I find it hilarious dear brother that you are focusing on me, when we know you harbor such sinful thoughts against our own sister." Seraphiel said. 

"W-What the fuck are you talking about you sack of shit?" Michael asked. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Seraphiel said, "You love our sister out of familial ties. The way you want full control of her. And you know it's not allowed, so you try and hurt in response."

Michael was completely disgusted, it's true he's very... Weird about his way of handling his sister Nyx, but it's not because he loves her in that way! It's impossible for him to be attracted to someone let alone his own FLESH AND BLOOD?!

"I don't appreciate the narrative you're implying here. I'm not all about that romantic feelings bullshit. I don't feel that way towards my- our sister. You're spreading fake news!" Michael shouts. 

"Oh? This begs to differ." Seraphiel touches his forehead, but Michael tried to swat his hand away knowing his power was to show the truth. But he was too late. Various images of Michael's creepy activites towards his sister was shown. including his tendency to stalk her while she sleeps. 

"Well, your thoughts beg to differ." Seraphiel said with a chuckle. 

"That's fake news! Don't believe what you see in real life- I mean- in the white room- I mean- In Nyx's Bedroom- I mean- In Basements- I mean- in Visions!" Michael sputters, he's on the floor completely awestruck. 

"My visions only show 100% accuracy and will never, under any circumstances, lie." Seraphiel said. 

"Bullshit. I wouldn't hold such gross feelings for a member of my own family." Michael said. 

"Oh really, if that's the case, then if she wasn't related to us by blood, would you go for her?" Seraphiel asked. Michael looked away ashamed. 

"Come on, don't make me say it..." Michael said. 

"Really? That gives me all I need to know." Seraphiel said. 

"You don't have any proof of me feeling that way because I don't feel that way! Every Vision you've shown before was false!" Michael said. 

"Mmm. Okay. Well what are you going to do then?" Seraphiel asked. 

"Go take a Holy Water and Bubble Bath. I need to rinse myself of what I just saw." Michael said.

"I'll leave you to that." Seraphiel heads off. Leaving Michael with his own thoughts. 

He's not in love with his sister, his sister is just his sister, he's just showing his affection in the only way he can: Aggression. And if he felt that way he would hate himself for it. Seraphiel was known to be very much a liar. 

There was a reason he was banished. 

But why does he believe that feeling was obviously not rooted for familar? 

Whatever, it's not like he likes her or anyone in that way. 

Lucifer sat down in the swivel chair as the Other Deadly Sins were in attendance. 

"Thanks for showing up at such a short notice." Lucifer clears his throat. "You do know why we're all here right?"

"Not exactly." Beezlebub said. 

"Well, Michael has done some changes to the Sinners and Hellborns, and instead of kidnapping them he's killing them, apparently my younger sister was killed by a SINNER somehow." Lucifer starts, "I consulted Belphegor in the amount of time until he arrives, and well. Belphegor?"

"You CONSULTED Belphegor? No offense Lucifer, but I don't think Belphegor even is aware he's ALIVE." Satan said. 

"Uuurhh. Huh?" Belphegor wakes up.

"Belphegor, how long until Michael arrives to Hell to kill our people?" Lucifer asked. 

Belphegor is confused and slightly groggy. "Six."

"Six?" Lucifer repeats quizzically. 

"Six, what? Days, Years, Weeks, Months?" Mammon asked. 

"I dunno, Six..." Belphegor mumbled. 

"I don't think thats much to work with..." Leviathan said. 

"...Mrrmhg." Belphegor slumps down and goes back to sleep.

"AHAHHAHAHA AND THIS FUCKER IS SLEEPING!? OKAY FUCK THIS, FUCK YOU GUYS IM LEAVING!" Satan gets up and slammed the door shut, waking up Belphegor immediately. 

"Ugh, that stupid kid woke me up from my nap. Kids these days." He groans. 

Lucifer sighs and shook his head. 

"This won't do at all. What are we going to do within this time frame?!" Lucifer asked. 

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