You Can Think That Your In Love When You're Really Just In Pain

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Leviathan was arguing with Agatha about him and his tendacy of leaving with Mammon.

"Look. I'm going to be gone for only a few minutes it's a boys night out with Mammon!" Leviathan tries to protest.

"You said that before! I think you're cheating on me with Mammon!" Agatha said.

"Why would you think that? Me and Mammon are close friends..." Leviathan said a little unsure of himself.

This earned a slap from Agatha as he fell into the coffee table injuring his arm and giving him a black eye. He was used to the abuse. So he drove off to Mammon's place with a icepack taped over his eye. He was upset and trying to contain his tears. But as he drove to the Greed Ring. He stopped in front of Mammon's Mansion. He stayed parked by the Mansion as he broke down in tears in his car.

This crying lasted for a long time as Leviathan didn't know long it was, but he seemed to snap out of it as a knock was heard on his window. He looked up to see who it was, it was Mammon and sniffles trying to hide the fact he was crying.

"Hey, mate. You okay?" The grey demon asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I'm fine." Leviathan sniffles before getting up out of the car.

"I made some Biscuits and Tea. Do you want to have some?" Mammon asked.

"I suppose so." Leviathan said.

"Alright then let's get going." Mammon heads off, with Leviathan following behind a little still upset. Mammon walked inside his Mansion as a few butlers walked about with maids.

Mammon walked to the living room and had Leviathan sat down. He sits down afterwords, Mammon hands a biscuit to Leviathan who eats it. Mammon takes a tea cup and drinks from it.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Mammon asked.

"What? Oh, it's nothing. I'm just... Slightly tired I suppose." Leviathan lies.

"You're lying, Mate." Mammon said.

"W-What are you talking about?" Leviathan asked.

"You have an ice pack over your face." Mammon said.

"Look. I'm fine." Leviathan said.

"You're not fine, Mate." Mammon said. "If you were then you wouldn't have an Ice Pack over your eye."

"..." Leviathan sighs.

"I don't know... I just don't know..." Leviathan said embarrassed.

"What happened to you?" Mammon leans down.

"It was, well... Well... My wife..." Leviathan said ashamed.

"Your wife? She's a nutter. why are you still with her?" Mammon asked.

"I... I um... Well. I love her still and I know she can change." Leviathan said.

"... She's not good for you, Mate... I just... Why? She's lost the plot. What kind of partner would abuse their own husband?" Mammon asked.

"I suppose... I don't know, she wasn't always like this..." Leviathan said.

Mammon sighs, placing the cup down. "Oftentimes you don't realize that the person you love is bad and you end up defending their awful behaviors. You're a victim of Domestic Abuse." Mammon said.

"I..." Leviathan starts but Mammon pulls him into a hug.

"It's not okay on what she's doing to you, mate. You need to get out of there immediately." Mammon said. Leviathan's hands shook. He had a tear going down his face.

"I know, I just... I don't want to go to anyone because... I think... I think they won't believe me. Why would they try and believe me? I don't want to cause anyone trouble..." Leviathan said.

"That is the case for Males at the receiving end of Domestic Violence. I promise you can always get out." Mammon placed a hand on his shoulder.

"If... If I don't? Please know that it was Agatha that did all this." Leviathan said.

"Understood." Mammon smiled.

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