Sacrificial Sheep

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In Hell Fran was walking up to her room, she cautiously looks around nervously. Before opening her door and closing it. She headed in her room. She walked towards the bedside table and opened it. She took the locket and note and read it. Tears stream down her face as she read the note. Her hand trembling. She sighs and placed the note and locket back in the drawer before being jump scared by Cipher who was smiling.

"Oh shit, Dad you scared me." Fran said. Holding her heart. The sheep looked at her adoptive father with a weak smile.

"What's up with you, my dear?" Cipher asked with genuine interest. Fran takes a deep breath.

"W-Well. I wanted to see my true parents- or at least know who my mother was." Fran said, at that, his smile widened.

"Why would you do that, when your father figure is here? They always say chosen family is better than your real family." Cipher said.

"I just want to know what she's like..." Fran admitted.

"Hm... Are you sure about that, my dear? It's a huge request." Cipher adds.

"I'm sure. This is what I really want." Fran said.

"Alright if this is what you truly want." Cipher gets up and turns to her.

"You might want to lay down as the way this works is I need you fully in your REM Cycle to do this." Cipher said.

Fran nods and laid on her bed. Cipher hums and proceeded with the transportation to Earth, via Astral Projection.

Back at the Hotel Jezebel was panicking about the upcoming deadline as there is two months before Michael arrives back. Vixxen was at the counter thinking about Nyx. He shook his head trying to expell her out of his mind.

Lawrence seems to catch on because he scooted over and smirked.

"You thinking about her sly little fox?" He teased. Vixxen snaps his head up and growls.

"No. For your information I'm not. I'm just thinking about work is all." Vixxen gruffs, before pouring himself some wine.

"Ah, yeah right. You like her don't you?" Lawrence pushes.

"You like, Lucius don't you?" Vixxen shoots back.

"Yeah, that's painfully obvious but with you... Kinda hard to tell to be frank." Lawrence streched out his legs looking at Lucius who was standing by Jezebel with an annoyed look, when he catches Lawrence gazing at him before he scoffs and looked away.

"You're only denying me because you really like me deep down!" Lawrence calls.

"Fat chance!" Lucius calls back.

Lawrence leaned back with a sigh. "Yep, he's totally into me."

Vixxen blinks before sighing. "Why do you chase after someone who clearly doesn't show any interest in you, whatsoever?" Vixxen asked.

"Gives me a bit more of a challenge, you see..." Lawrence leans into Vixxen's face.

"Lucius is just playing hard to get, little does he know I am a master at playing hard to get rid of." Lawrence gestures to himself with a thumb and a smirk.

Vixxen rolled his eyes at that.

With Cipher and Fran, Cipher managed to arrive to Earth. He arrived to a nice looking house and looked towards Fran who was nervous. They both were humans, and Cipher turned to face Fran.

"Let me warn you, the truth may disappoint you." Cipher said, Fran nodded. It was a bright sunny morning. Fran walked up to the house, and looking in she saw a family. She was confused. Then there was a photo on the dining room wall of a woman that looked like Fran. She frowned and tears up. It was clear to her now, her mother forgotten about her and started a new family.

The promise she had given to her meant nothing and now she's no longer alive... Fran slumped to the ground sobbing. Cipher walked up to her pulling her into a hug.

"It's okay my dear. I did warn you that the truth would hurt now, would it?" Cipher asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't listen." Fran said. Cipher looked towards the house and sighs.

"Now let us leave, we need to go back. Astral Projection doesn't last that long at all." Cipher said.

Fran nods and the two head back together. 

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