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In Hell two thugs were busy fighting each other out the bar, a silver haired sinner groaned. "Oh fer fuck's sake you can't get any peace here." He said, before passing by the two fight. He stopped and heard a zap noise.

"Must be a new sinner join-" Before he could get a word out the sinner speedblitz past him and immediately killed the two demons.

"Holy fuck!" The sinner ran off to hide somewhere before he witnessed the sinner with a top hat and elegant look nearly massacre half the populace of Hell, then... He just stopped. Dropped the body of one Demon and looked at another who was just shaking and said one thing.

"Well, it was fun beating your friends with no mercy! But it appears my plaything has arrived in Hell with me." And with that, the Sinner disappeared leaving the other in shock.

The silver haired sinner could only stare speechless.

In the present day, Cipher is awoken from his dream, he rubbed his eyes and noticed Fran standing there looking a bit nervous.

"What do you need, Fran?" Cipher asked with the upmost sweetness.

"Um, Jezebel returned." Fran said, Cipher chuckles and got up, he headed to the resorts front lobby, as he noticed Jezebel panicking.

"What's got your mind all rattled dear?" Cipher asked.

"Well, it's just that... Hell's going to get more empty then usual." Jezebel said.

"I mean, it's already a barren wasteland. There's not that many guys to fuck." Lawrence said, his body was on the couch as he was upside down.

"What does that mean?" Fran asked.

"She means we're fucked." Said a voice, everyone turned to face who it was, and was met with a fox, he was the bartender of the Resort. He does all sorts of drinks other than alcohol but everyone seems to want to get drunk. This was Vixxen.

"You don't think yer going to see much people wanting to rehabilitate. With Heaven stealing from us and not letting us avoid it. There's not much we can do. And Jezebel's having a cow about it." Vixxen said.

"Well, this project was ambitious after all." Cipher waved his hand dismissively, Fran looked down.

"I mean, I mind a place to stay, don't got a place anywhere and once you sleep at a strip club, you never want to again." Lawrence said.

"Well, there's got to be some other way!" Fran said.

"I got it! I can maybe contact God himself! Maybe by going to see God, my grandfather. I can solve this issue!" Jezebel said. Cipher laughs.

"How do you expect to get a meeting with Heaven? Let alone God? Sweetie your ambitions are stronger than my desire for blood." Cipher said with a knowing look.

"I may not be able to, but I know who can!" Jezebel said.

"And who is that?" Lawrence asked.

"My Dad."

The scene changes to The Morningstar Castle. Lucifer was getting a backrub from Vivian his wife.

"And that asshole just rejected my offer and had the nerve to just... Say he'll be there in two months! What kind of idiot he takes me as?!" Lucifer asked.

"I'm guessing the meeting with Heaven went as you'd expected." Vivian said, Lucifer just groaned and threw himself on the bed exasperated.

"Tell me about it. And something tells me, he'll double the number of sinners he'll take this time around." Lucifer grimaced. Vivian sighs and shook her head.

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