Chapter 1

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Severus Snape took labored steps up to the top of the Astronomy tower. His drunkenness from earlier in the night was waning, but he was still blissfully numb. Another revel and another part of his soul tainted beyond repair. Not even a 'thank you' or a 'by your leave' from the great mastermind, Dumbledore. Not a thought to how his spy was still a man underneath the layers of black fabric. How he had even managed to maintain his double agent persona after the debacle of the end of term last year was beyond him.

The years were wearing down on him harder than ever. Barely past 37 and feeling like a man in his 60s. Severus sighed and reflected on what this new school year would bring. The old loon had some odd delusion that getting the Potter boy through his 7th year would prepare him to face the Dark Lord. He was once more disregarding the fact that Potter needed more information than the Headmaster was willing to give anyone . Severus had no notion of any success based on the failure of the boy to think critically. What idiot with a mental connection to their sworn enemy wouldn't be invested into blocking them out?

Severus snorted to himself as he finally reached the landing at the top of the tower. He didn't know why he had made his way to the tower, so far from his own quarters. Flashes of the end of the previous year played across his mind. The price he paid to break himself free of the Unbreakable Vow he made to Narcissa. An old and ancient ritual that had involved losing a bit of his soul, a small consolation for 'the greater good' he was told. He tried to ignore the invisible gaping wound left behind in his very being. They had successfully pulled the Malfoys into the side of the light. Draco and Narcissa openly, while Malfoy senior publicly denounced his family and privately became a second spy for the order. How things had changed. I'll need to keep an extra eye on Draco this year.

It seemed every year he was destined to play silent guardian, whether he wanted to or not. With a deep breath he focused his eyes across the expanse of the tower to look upon the landscape that had brought him peace over the years. He was surprised to see his view blocked by a silhouette sitting on the railing, legs dangling over the edge. The cool breeze that passed through the space sobered him. His soreness melted away as he took in the vision before him.

A student out after curfew.

A student in the Astronomy tower.

A student sitting where they shouldn't.

A memory flashes in his eyes from his own 7th year.

Severus's instincts kicked in so fast that the world seemed to slow down around him. His eyes alighted upon the discarded school robe and Gryffindor tie on the floor. A familiar wand laid next to them. He watched the pale hands gripping the railing and then slowly slipping off.

Severus's muggle upbringing rushed to the surface as he dashed across the expanse between him and the student. The tips of his fingers touched the ends of her curly hair as she dipped out of his reach. The yell exploded out of his throat as he threw himself over the railing and tackled the girl midair, wrapping his voluminous robes and long lithe figure around her as they plummeted to the fast approaching cobblestone.

Something primal took over and a hot wave of magic enveloped them and their fall slowed. For a moment the empty space in his soul was filled with it, the hollowness left by the remnants of the Unbreakable vow assuaged. It was like the heated gust of air when you open a hot oven. It was almost too hot for Severus but was gone before he could react. He felt the cobblestone as they landed softly on the ground, though his body was still braced for impact.

Severus couldn't keep his calm exterior intact in the face of near death and nearly witnessing a suicide. He was panting hard and holding the girl against his body, her face tucked into the space between his neck and shoulder. The faint smell of vanilla and the familiar curls made his heart clench in recognition. He was bombarded with relief at saving her but also confusion at why she had even done something like this in the first place.

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