Chapter 20

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Harry could feel Hermione's magic as it suffused the room. For the first time Harry felt his chest throb with rage, rage that he didn't understand. Part of him was screaming to send a real curse at the Potions Master and claim Hermione. The dark thought startled Harry. He looked away from Professor Snape as he spoke softly to Hermione. Closing his eyes, Harry took the time to figure out what the rage was about besides the obvious jealousy. It was then that he realized he had felt the bond between him and Hermione for the first time. When he opened his eyes he still had a strong urge to pull the Gryffindor woman into his embrace so that Snape couldn't touch her anymore.

Can bonds clash? Compete? Why is this the first time I felt it? Harry was roused from his thoughts when Dumbledore's steely voice filled the silence.

"Miss Granger, I suggest you take a seat and refrain from being anymore of a distraction. You have already 'helped' enough. Spare us any more of it, as generous as you have been," The Headmaster was upset but was holding it in. Harry thought for a moment that he would continue to lecture Hermione, but then his visage melted back into the pleasant old man right before his eyes, "Tonks, please refrain from sending hexes across the table, wouldn't want to hit anyone you didn't intend to."

The doubt that had been developing concerning the Headmaster mounted everyday, it seemed. Harry vowed then that he would keep the bond between him and Hermione a secret. There was a distinct feeling that the bond would be used against them, whether by the Headmaster or Voldemort remained to be seen.

Dumbledore continues the meeting, asking about Ministry affairs, safe houses, and the 'project' that he and the headmaster were working on.

"Albus, do you truly think it wise to leave this project in the hands of Potter? While you say you are guiding him in that regard, you also have obligations to the school and the Wizengamot. With the Dark Lord growing his ranks and the increase in attack on muggles and muggleborns, would it not be preferable to 'get on with it' and have others assist the boy on whatever mission you have him on?" Snape was looking pointedly at the Headmaster. Harry couldn't argue with the man's logic. The Horcruxes were still a mystery, especially after the last one had turned out fake. While he and Hermione had some suspicions they could only do so much as students. Harry turned to the other end of the table and was taken aback by the anger he could see in the Headmaster's eyes. But the look melted away to be replaced by an empty smile.

"Harry may share with whoever he wishes, but he has been strongly advised to work with those closest to him. After all, the information is sensitive and we no longer have the upper hand of having the right hand of Tom as our spy," Dumbledore's answer was clearly meant to remind Snape that he had lost some of his usefulness as well as the lack of trust most of the Order still had in him. The headmaster tilted his head and smiled, "Speaking of spies. Though not as high ranking as you were, Severus, he has proven his worthiness by warning us of the removal of the Slytherin students. We can only hope he will not lose his standing, as others have, any time soon."

The doors to the Great Hall opened only enough for a figure in a black hooded cloak to come into the room. The nod Dumbledore sent the figure's way assuaged the immediate rise in tension brought upon by this mystery guest. Lucius Malfoy walked up to the table, next to Snape before dropping his hood and bowing slightly to the table. It seemed most of those in attendance either already knew or had suspected as much.

"Lucius," Snape greeted the blond man before conjuring a chair so that he may join him at the head of the table.

"Severus," Lucius nodded in reply, though he paused to take a good look at the former Death Eater. "Freedom has done you well, it seems. I could not have predicted how well."

"Lucius, welcome. What news do you bring us?" Dumbledore continued the meeting.

"Albus, wait, before we move on, " The Scottish woman interrupted, "I must agree with Severus. Whatever mission you've entrusted with Mister Potter and by extension Miss Granger and Mister Weasley, can only be harrowing. Would it not be wiser to have someone else in the Order front the mission, or at least aid with anything they may need from outside the castle? You would entrust the most information to these young people who have only truly been allowed in the Order this year?"

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