Chapter 13

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"Severus, she deserves to know what she did for you!" Minerva glared at him.

"I don't care if she knows that she rid me of the mark, but you will not tell her about the bond. If I occlude well enough she shouldn't be able to feel it and we have already established that the bond puts more strain on me than on her. She need not be tormented by it while I find a way to break it," Severus argued. "I will not burden her with it when we also must inform her that her parents have been dead for months. She thinks she obliviated and sent them away only a week ago!"

"Are you certain that the bond will not react negatively?" Dumbledore asked.

"She is not screaming in pain when wrapped up in Potter's arms which is sign enough that she can stray from the bond without repercussions. If there are any, she will likely shake them off as imagination or something equally dull. She will never come to the conclusion of a soul bond on her own and none of you will give her the idea of it." Severus pulled on his robes, determined to leave the Hospital wing as soon as the Headmaster and Headmistress removed the sticking charm they had on the curtains around what was once his hospital bed.

"I think it would benefit Miss Granger to remain in the dark for the time being, Minerva," Severus didn't like the twinkle in the old man's eye but he would not question him if he was backing up his desire to keep the bond a secret. "I will have a talk with those who know of the bond and the need to keep it secret. The girl will suffer enough when she realizes the truth of her parents' passing. Let us spare her further distress for now."

Severus twitched at the reminder of the Headmaster's manipulation concerning the Granger parents. So much had happened to the young woman since July. It would not take much convincing to get Potter and Weasley to keep the bond from the girl. Her current blissful ignorance would not last long with her natural penchant to ask questions. But she deserved to enjoy a bit of carefree life while she could.

"What happens when either of you are in danger again? Hmm?" Minerva pushed.

"That will not happen. I won't let it. Last night was my own fault for straying from the castle knowing that I was a target. By putting myself in danger, I risked her life. It won't happen again," Severus answered vehemently. "I will begin working on a countermeasure to the bond, immediately. If we can remove that burden from the girl, it will be a blessing in a world of suffering. She will already be devastated by everything else."

"She doesn't remember performing the ritual! What can you do with so little information?" Minerva forced him to look at her. "You will not tamper with the bond when you have no idea what she actually did."

"What the hell do you expect me to do then?"

"You will find a way to restore her memories. You're a legilimens aren't you? You told me yourself that her mind is as organized and exacting as she is. Her memories were not erased, they are buried. You of all people know what that is like,"

"Fine. But we are in agreement that she must not know about the bonding aspect of the ritual?" He stared hard at the witch and then the Headmaster who both nodded.


"It's December. It's been 6 months," Hermione mumbled to herself. Harry was next to her, holding her hand. She had gone quiet upon hearing the news. Then Dumbledore and McGonagall had arrived, glanced at them, then went to Snape's bed, disappearing behind the curtain and sending the Malfoys back into the room. The two immediately went to the bed where they had dropped their books and immediately began flipping through them.

"Harry, what happened last night?" Hermione asked, looking at her friend imploringly.

He grimaced, not sure how to explain the last 6 months to her without causing a meltdown. So much had happened to her and he was embarrassed that the one who knew the most about it wasn't him or Ron but the spy across the room. "I don't know what to tell you yet, Hermione. So much has happened, huge things. Trust me that I will tell you all I can when I know you won't remember on your own. I don't want to shock you too much. What if it's like the muggle movies and you have a breakdown from too much information?"

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