Chapter 18

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Hermione and Harry sat cuddled up on the common room couch. Everyone around them was getting ready to leave for the winter holiday. The train would be leaving in an hour and the usual frenzy of the holidays suffused the air.

Ron appeared at the portrait door with a soft smile on his face. Hermione watched the ginger as he crossed the room, picked up her legs that were strewn across the couch, sat down and laid her legs across his lap. She raised her brow at him, "What's got you all smiley, Ron?"

Ginny burst through the portrait door, stopping to gape at her brother, "DID I JUST SEE YOU KISSING OLIVIA STRIKER?!"

Silence filled the mostly empty common room as they all looked at Ron expectantly. The redhead had blushed bright enough to match his hair as he nodded in affirmation.

Harry threw a pillow at his friend, "Oy! When the hell did that happen? Last month you two were at each other's throats during the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff match."

"She's been helping me with History of Magic since Hermione has been a little preoccupied," Ron was smiling brightly, running a nervous hand through his hair. "When would I have told you two anyway? You've been holed up in Hermione's room until McGonagall told you off. I wasn't even sure she liked me back until she kissed me down in the entrance hall."

Ginny walked up and smacked her brother's arm. "If you hurt her I will make sure you'll need to be sent to St. Mungo's to retrieve your bullocks, Ron."

Ron paled, "I won't. Merlin, you'd think you were her mother."

"She's my only female friend who actually likes to play quidditch. What am I going to do if you break her heart, Ron!" Ginny smacked him again.

The siblings continued to squabble in their familiar manner. It was odd for her to be there, in this normal teenage setting. Hermione wasn't a teenager anymore because of her time traveling and she had problems no one else could relate to. She had a bond with Severus Snape that she had caused and couldn't remember. She might have even bound herself to her best friend as well. It seemed so reckless and so unlike herself. But then again, Professor Snape was definitely different and Harry was in love with her. Hermione felt her face flush as she recalled their walk back to her rooms the night before.

The three students had been banished from Professor Snape's quarters by Mrs. Malfoy. They had followed Draco into the Great Hall for dinner despite being a bit early. Harry kept a firm hand clutching hers or rested it on her thigh the entire dinner. It was possessive and protective. Even a little intimidating after what had just happened in their potions professor's rooms.

The Headmaster wished everyone a good holiday and unceremoniously unleashed a wave of floating mistletoe through the Great Hall, spread out by a soft gust of snowy wind that gave off no coldness. The Christmas trees that lined the room were suddenly lit with the wizard equivalent of fairy lights. It was as breathtaking as it was every year. Hermione suddenly remembered her parents and how she had always wanted to show them the castle. A feeling of melancholy rushed over her.

Around them, students were leaving the hall in droves. The air was filled with excited chatter that was interrupted by errant shrieks as various couples were caught under enchanted mistletoe. None of this could rouse her from the longing feeling in her heart. She felt Harry push her hair out of her face and comb it back. He looked at her with such warmth that her heart skipped a beat.

"Come on, Hermione," It was as if Harry knew she was feeling sad. He helped her up off of the bench and walked, hands entwined through the throngs of students. It didn't come as a surprise when they were caught under some mistletoe a few steps before they made it out of the hall.

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