Chapter 10

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Harry stood outside the Potions classroom the next day, wondering what exactly he thought he would accomplish by talking to the wizard inside. But he had so many questions about the bond and he had a feeling that Hermione would be reluctant to talk about it. Though he wasn't sure he'd get anything more out of the surly professor, he had to try. With a great bit of apprehension, Harry knocked on the door.

"Enter," The timber of the Potions Master's voice only spiked his anxiety.

The Gryffindor took a deep breath and entered the classroom, closing the door and casting a silencing spell. When he looked at the Professor who was seated at his desk, grading, the man simply raised an eyebrow. Harry moved forward and waited patiently as Snape finished whatever note he was making and put his quill down.

"Now what, pray tell, has granted me the gift of a private conversation with the Chosen One?" He looked him up and down suspiciously.

Harry felt his irritation at the man renew, but consciously tempered it. This was the only man who could provide him any answers. "It's about Hermione, sir."

"I gathered," Snape leaned back in his chair and sighed. With a wave, one of the classroom chairs moved to situate itself in front of his desk, "Have a seat, Potter. I'd rather get this over with before dinner."

He couldn't say he wasn't shocked at the borderline courteous actions of the professor, but he took the seat without feeling the need to justify his presence any more than he already had. He watched as the dark man looked anywhere but in his eyes, seemingly waiting for Harry to start the conversation.

"Um, Professor I just wanted to know more about the b-bond between you and Hermione," the request caused Snape to exhale and pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"There isn't much to know considering the know-it-all and I have not had a chance to start deconstructing which bond it was. We are bound by our magical cores and souls. We are intrinsically linked to each other until further notice," Snape answered with a scowl.

"Does it hurt her?" Harry asked, remembering the grimace on the girl's face the night before.

"Besides the initial draining of her magical core to near nothing, she is generally unaffected unless either of us are in mortal peril, which we will no doubt both be in before the end of this war," Snape continued, unfazed by the questions and sounding detached. Harry had never known the Potions Master to be so forthcoming with information.

"Do you think you can break the bond? Hermione shouldn't be stuck bound to you...she deserves better."

"I am well aware of that Potter! I will do all I can to break this bond and relieve myself of the torment of her constant presence in my mind. Wouldn't want to dishonor the Gryffindor Princess with her association to me." He scoffed, "If that was all, you may get out."

"I have one more question. I-if Hermione were to say, um, kiss someone else other than," He couldn't get the word 'you' to spill from his lips and dodged it, "her partner, would it hurt her?"

There was a dark look that passed over the wizard's face that looked surprisingly emotional.

"Miss Granger and I have established that the compulsions of the bond are not evenly distributed, with me taking the brunt of it. I will not feel her...discretions...but I would suffer greatly should I be the one to stray. From what I have gathered from my communication with the girl, the bond may retaliate somewhat to any amorous affection. Nothing more than the feeling of a sting or slap on her part," The Professor was standing now, with his back to Harry. For a moment Harry felt even more guilty for kissing Hermione if it had caused her pain, no matter how minor. "It is oddly fortunate that I am the one...afflicted with the stronger needs of the bond as my mental control surpasses that of a teenage girl. With a more traditional bond, the physical consummation of the bond is paramount and highly suggested by the bond itself. Due to whatever modifications Miss Granger made, we have been spared the ordeal of either of us ravishing the other."

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