Chapter 23

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Severus was doing a valiant job of hiding the warmth pervading him after giving Hermione her Christmas gift. It was almost an out of body experience to be appreciated with such abandon. He took his place against the wall, waiting for her return as the rest of the guests and residents took part in tea and desserts.

"Your eyes are smiling, Severus. I take it Hermione liked her gift," Remus spoke in a low voice so no one would overhear.

If it had been anyone else he might have denied it but the Potions Master had found out the night before that he truly had an ally in the werewolf. "More than I could have hoped for. Thank you for your assistance last night. Without your charms capability I doubt the final product would have turned out so elegant."

"No need for thanks. Merlin knows I owe you more than anyone in this place," It was a silent nod to the constant supply of wolfsbane that no longer cost him an arm and leg to procure. "I do have to say it was a brilliant idea."

"I owe her so much at this point that it seems inadequate," Severus looked around the room and allowed his normal tense vigilance to slacken.

"You've always been a man of your word, Severus. An admirable trait when you consider the cards you've been dealt your whole life," Remus intoned as a comfortable silence fell between the former classmates.

Then he felt it, the ring was warm. But she only went upstairs. A cursory glance told him that there were only two people missing, Hermione and Harry Potter.

"What is it?" Remus reacted immediately, no doubt sensing his unrest.

"Godfather?" Draco stopped on his way out the door into the hallway, having heard the worry in Remus's voice.

"Come with me. Something's wrong," Quickly but with a grace that bellied their urgency the three men slipped out of the kitchen. Severus led the way down the dark hall. "Hermione is in danger."

Draco was wide eyed but pulled out his wand. Remus began to sense distress as they ascended the stairs. A low growl coming from the man told him that Moony knew that his pack was in danger.

"Draco cast wards on the next landing, no one should hear us downstairs or follow us. I will not risk the rest of the Order or our much needed secrecy," Severus commanded as he picked up his pace. At Hermione's door he felt the bond barreling through his skin, screaming at him to go to her. With a slash of his wand the door splintered.

It took a mere second for him to take in the scene before he blasted Potter off of Hermione. Seeing her conscious and reaching for Draco who was already a step away, the ex-spy turned his attention to the boy who had slammed into the wall and was now struggling to stand. Rage flowed through him as he grabbed the boy by the collar and pointed his wand at him. The Boy-Who-Lived looked up and Severus almost pulled back.

The look in the boy's eyes was the only reason Severus hadn't killed him on sight. His bond flared dangerously around him but he implemented his occlusion to contain his feelings, he had to think logically. This was not Potter's doing, at least not consciously.

"Draco, repair the door and seal it shut. No one else need be part of this," He commanded his godson while keeping his eye on the dark haired boy who was still on his knees before him. Behind him he heard the door knitting together. "Hermione, are you alright?"

"Severus, please don't hurt him! Something's wrong with him. He would never attack me like that if he was himself," Hermione pleaded, her voice hoarse from being choked. The boy in question tried to lunge forward.

" Incarcerous!" The spell came from Remus who now stood at his side looking down at the boy who was thrashing against the bonds. "His eyes, Severus."

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