Chapter 4

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"Harry Potter!" Dobby appeared before a sleeping Harry startling him from his bed.

The boy scrambled to shove his glasses onto his face as he greeted the elf that appeared at the end of the bed. "Dobby! What's wrong? What time is it?"

"Harry Potter's friend, Missy Granger is in the hospital wing! Dobby thought Harry Potter would want to know!" Dobby announced, fidgeting and looking worried.

"Yeah, she said she didn't feel well yesterday so she went to the hospital wing. I figured she was still there since she missed classes," Harry said, perplexed by the anxiety rolling off the elf.

"Missy Granger had made a great sacrifice for the greater good. Dobby knows, the castle has whispered to the house elves. Mister Harry Potter should be with her!" Dobby took his hand and pulled him out of bed.

Harry felt worry bubble up in his chest, "A sacrifice? Did she do a ritual Dobby?"

"Yes, Harry Potter's friend called on the old magic. The Potions Master is keeping the Miss company while she sleeps. But we house elves can tell, both of them are losing magic. We thinks the ritual went wrong," Dobby spoke a mile a minute and dragged Harry down the stairs of the boys dormitory. Some of the other boys called out complaints about the noise but no one stopped Harry as he followed the elf.

At the confirmation of the ritual being held, Harry had gone pale. They had agreed they wouldn't try it. That it was too dangerous. Damnit Hermione!

2 Months Before - Grimmauld Place

"Harry, can I talk to you?" Hermione stood at the door to the room he shared with Ron.

He looked at his best friend. She had been quiet this summer but he couldn't blame her. The war was truly rearing its head. They had nearly lost Dumbledore at the end of last year and more and more muggleborns were going into hiding. Hermione had assured him that her parents were safe but the less people that knew where they were the better. Harry knew it took a toll on her and had gone out of his way to spend more time with her in the Black library this summer holiday.

"Of course, Hermione. Library?" He asked, giving her his arm.

Hermione smiled at him softly and placed her arm at his elbow. They had always been affectionate but had taken more comfort from each other this summer than any other. Harry didn't want to think about how fond he was of Hermione. He had noticed recently how pretty she had become. Things with him and Ginny had all but dissolved after the fight they had at the end of the year. It had rubbed him the wrong way when Ginny had accused him of not trusting her because he wouldn't tell her about his trips with Dumbledore. She hadn't conceded that he was protecting her, instead conflated it to him seeing her as weak. It offended him quite a bit that she could think so lowly of him.

Harry took a deep breath and inadvertently inhaled the vanilla and pistachio scent of Hermione's shampoo. She was as lost in thought as he was as they made their way to the library. It was moments like this when he could observe her without being noticed, that Harry indulged his interest in her. If he could have smacked his fourth year self to some sense and have him ask her to the Yule Ball, he would. He and Ron had both been so blind. Though he was more so than Ron who was already feeling some type of way about Hermione based on his jealousy of Krum.

Ron. Ron still held a torch for Hermione but didn't do anything about it. If anything he thought they were fighting more as tensions rose as the war got closer to home. Ron had thankfully taken his break up with Ginny rather well. The whole family did. And while it was awkward at times, he and Ginny were amicable.

By the time they made it to the library, Harry was lost in thought about his growing attention to his bushy haired friend and it's horrible timing. Hermione let him sit on the sofa in front of the empty fireplace as she warded, silenced, and locked the library doors.

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