Chapter 6

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Snape was pacing back and forth while Harry sat in the bed next to her. She and Harry had changed into muggle clothes for ease of movement if they had to jump into action. He was dozing next to her with his head on her shoulder and an arm around her waist.

Hermione's eyes were glued to Professor Snape. He looked strong, in his prime. He'd kept his distance after rushing out of her mind but she could still feel his hand in her hair and his thumb on her lip. If she was feeling the bond, although faintly, then there was no doubt he was too. It didn't help that she had always had a soft spot for the surly man. From quiet admiration that transformed into a minor crush last year when he had insisted on running one of her detentions instead of Umbridge.

His pacing was making her nervous. As selfish as it was, she had not wanted to deal with the consequences of her reckless heroics. The fall out of losing their spy and what it would do to Snape's place among the Order, were things she had refused to think about. When the patronus had delivered its message the silence that followed was deafening. But what came after put the fear of Merlin in her.

Dumbledore couldn't hide his rage. He had barked at the three of them to stay put. Had even pulled his wand on Snape and commanded him, as if he were a student, to stay put and out of the way. The pulse of his magic had made her feel sick. It felt like molasses filled with nails, scraping along her being, stinging and sweet. Harry had gone pale next to her and Snape had stumbled. Even Madame Pomfrey had backed away. It was the first time Hermione could see how Dumbledore was one of the most feared wizards alive today.

Dumbledore took the medi-witch with him and left the wing, the doors closing behind them with a glow that told them he had warded them inside.

The sun had just set when they felt the castle rumble. Professor Snape had rushed to a window to catch a glimpse of anything, despite being on a completely opposite side of the castle as his quarters.

"Damnit, Albus! I should be down there," he growled.

"It's a bit reckless isn't it? Sending Death Eaters here when everyone is here, even Dumbledore isn't away this time," Hermione tilted her head in thought. Her ear brushed against Harry's hair, reminding her of his close proximity. She had wanted the comfort but knew that her suspicions of Harry's feelings for her had been confirmed with the kiss.

Snape looked over at them and sneered. "You're one to talk of recklessness."

She raised her brow at him but didn't respond.

He huffed and sat at the end of the bed across from them. His dark eyes looked her up and down. Stopping for a moment where Harry's arm was around her waist and his head on her shoulder. "I don't understand how he can sleep when this is all going on."

"Oh, he'll be furious when he wakes up. But I didn't fancy being caught in the middle while you go for each other's throats with no way out of the hospital wing," Hermione scoffed. She patted Harry's hand on the bed as if to appease her unconscious friend.

"You knocked him out?" Snape raised a brow, smirking at her, "Hermione, if I didn't know you were a Gryffindor I might assume you were one of my snakes."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It is."

Hermione tried not to look surprised at the admission. Silence followed for a while, not sure how to react to this rather complimentary version of her dreaded professor.

"I can feel it." Snape said, looking away with a grimace. "The bond. I can feel it like a constant throb in the back my head. The jealousy eats at me."

"I can feel it too. Like a pull at the edge of my being. You know, I always had a positive regard for you, Professor. You can ask the boys. I've always defended you. The bond seems to have only strengthened those feelings." Hermione admitted. There were no tell tale signs that she expected, like the consuming need to be near him. No overtly sexual thoughts or musings about him. It felt tame.

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