Chapter 11

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When researching bonds, both modern and from bygone eras, Hermione noticed a few repeating effects:

1. The bonded pair would be able to feel each other's emotions to an extent that varies upon the ritual/magic used in the bond, but may extend to fully shared consciousness.

2. The bonded pair may feel mirrored physical responses to something one or the other is feeling i.e. Pain, fatigue, hunger, arousal, or magical sensitivity.

3. The bonded pair will know when their partner is in mortal peril through mental connection, physical reaction, or mirrored injury and magical depletion; the extent varying once again by the type of bond.

Hermione had tried to mitigate the extent of the first two points and had succeeded with only the first. But as Hermione lay in bed in pain, she knew the other two points to be true. She could feel the pain that Severus Snape was feeling and her magic was seeping out of her core into his to help him. She was already scared of what may be happening to Severus, but the weakening of her core added a new terrifying factor.

"Hermione!" She could hear Harry calling her name. She knew there were people around her. The cold edge of a vial touched her lips, followed by cool liquid traveling down her throat. The pain abated only slightly.

The pain had come suddenly and had only ceased for minutes at a time before another wave of pain took over. She could only be thankful that the sudden pain was away from the prying eyes of the rest of Gryffindor tower. Harry and Ron had insisted on convening in her Head Girl dorms to go over some horcrux research before it got too late. Hermione knew that at some point between bouts of excruciating pain she had been carried to a bed.

"Miss Granger, I need you to focus on the bond. Severus is nowhere to be found in the castle. You must locate him or you may both die," The commanding voice of Dumbledore filled her head. Were she not currently dealing with the obvious attack on Severus she would have snapped at the Headmaster for daring to use legilimency on her again.

"Hermione, please, you have to figure out where he is. If we can save him then you won't be in pain. I can't let him empty your core!" Harry pleaded in her ear.

Hermione didn't care that she could feel her core being drained. She could only think about how much worse the pain was that Severus must be feeling. With that in mind she drew up the image of her mind library and forced her physical reactions behind one of the doors. Finally gaining control she focused on the bond. Pulses of her magic searched the space until a small gold book appeared before her that was glowing brightly. It felt like him, that familiar liquid dark heat. It felt like his magic and hers' were binding it together.

She grabbed it and wrenched it open. It was similar to the feeling of falling into a pensieve, although more violent, but rather than a movie-like retelling it was a jumble of senses and thoughts.

The smell of mildew.

"Did you think you would get away, Severus? Traitor!"

The copper taste of blood.

"We are going to enjoy making you scream."

Hermione will die if I don't survive.

"He'll kill you for hurting me before you have a chance-"


His screams of agony.

"You're never going to win this. The Dark Lord will get all of you killed before this war ends."

Nerve endings on fire. So much pain.

"He'll be happy to be rid of you. I always knew you were playi-"

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