The Black Fire and the Flute of the Time Flower

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                       Chapter 17: The Black Fire and the Flute of the Time Flower 

 “Fly around their perimeter! We must destroy those war towers!”

“Concentrate on shooting them down and I will deal with the flying!”

Limon and Monica were flying over the army’s camp, trying to buy some time by destroying the power sources which were creating the fire.

Five war towers were placed around the forest’s edge and in the top of them big black pipes were launching a black liquid which when it touched the tops of the trees was transforming into a violent fire, burning everything on her way.

But the fire wasn’t spreading throughout the forest but it was steering into one direction, leaving everything burned behind. The trees were moving toward the fire trying to stop her spreading but they too were burned.

Limon and Monica saw this horrible spectacle and the dragon made a loop on the air diving down shouting to the girl on firing more arrows.

Monica pulled the bow’s string creating two arrows of different color firing on the ground.

“Aim for the towers!”

“Watch out Limon!” she said pointing to the soldiers who started firing arrows with fire.

The arrows flew to their direction, like black birds seeking their prey, and Limon headed to them flying with incredible speed.

“Hold on tight Monica!”

  Dings was standing alert guarding all possible entrances to the hideout of the children. Lefenia had gathered them all inside the cave, instructing them to remain there until the fight was over.

Now, having sealed the entrance to the cave, she was scouting together with Dings the space between the open small field and the beginning of the deep forest. She was looking from time to time the lake praying for the safety of Lady Lily and Darth.

Dings noticed that and touched her hand with his muzzle trying to comfort her. Lefenia patted the head of the big wolf smiling with relief.

“Your presence here is reassuring on a strange way.”

“Of course it is, you have the best fighter in whole Denmor on your side.” he said boasting himself.

“Then you don’t mind if I kill you.” a man’s voice came from the south side appearing though the dark woods.

Firstly, it looked like a shadow, but his figure cleared revealing General Semer who was followed by a small troop of ten people armed with swords and black shields, bearing the crest of King Nevol.

 “I didn’t expect to find you here brat. You have grown a little.”

“And I thought that you should have become an old man by now.” Dings requited with anger.

“Leave this forest at once. You have already angered Lady Bener. Leave before her curse befalls on you!” Lefenia shouted with rage.

“That’s too bad my little Nymph. I don’t think that we should be going so quickly. You see, we are looking for something really valuable, something only a Goddess could posses, and that’s why we need you to show us the way.” and his soldiers surrounded them ready to capture Lefenia.

But Dings rushed on them, breaking their shields, just like a wooden stick, biting and pushing back the soldiers. Semer took off his armor and wearing only his tunic and his leather boots attacked to the big wolf with bare hands grabbing him from the neck and throwing him back.

The Priestess of the Four Gods (uneditted)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang