Selemir, the Holy Capital

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                           Chapter 27: Selemir, the Holy Capital

  I met her at the Plains of the Lost Warriors. Her scared face, her eyes at the color of a Love Stone and her bravery left me speechless. She was holding her sister tightly, afraid of the alien environment she was in. Now she leads the Northern Rebels into the battle which will determinate the existence of our world. She has forgotten… Lily… where are you?

    “Push! Push harder!”

“Come on, just a little more!”

The women were helping one of the refugees to give birth. Monica and the Priestess were also helping them. The woman screamed loudly and then another cry came from the bottom of the bed

“It’s a boy! A healthy boy!” the midwife said and showed the small baby on her arms. Quickly they covered it with a clean towel and gave it to his mother. She cried from joy and the Priestess came close to them and touched the baby’s head.

“What a strong Heart Light; full of life and happiness. May the Gods bless you.”

“Thank you my Lady” the child’s mother said and together with Monica they got out from the room.

  “That went really smooth, don’t you think?” Monica said with relief.

“Yes, it is a good sign” and she continued walking.

Monica had noticed the past two days that the Priestess was not really talkative. She preferred to speak only when it was necessary and also it seems that she was avoiding physical contact, as if she was really fragile. Sometimes Monica caught herself thinking about saying everything to her if that would make her remember again. “And then what?” she thought, “She would lose her powers and everything we had accomplished together would be in vain” and she saw her heading to the alchemy section in order to check the preparations.



“You were with the Priestess now? I heard that there was a baby born at the refugee’s section”

“Yes a healthy boy” she answered while spacing out to the direction the Priestess had followed.

Limon saw her depressed face and hit her softly on her back

“I know it’s difficult but we can hope that one day she will remember again right?”

“You are not trying enough Limon…”

“Then how about a kiss? That should calm down!” he said smiling and Monica started to chase him around the corridor embarrassed from his boldness.

 “We are finally ready my Lady. We can launch at any time you wish” the Manager of the alchemy section informed her.

“Thank you for your help. I will announce the date at tonight’s council” and she got out. She walked far enough until she reached the Altar, which was still standing in the middle of the artificial lake.

“I didn’t expect to find you here… Lord Darth”

“Lady Priestess…” and he bowed

“Everything is ready. I believe that tomorrow would be a good time.” She said and stood near him with her head turned to the Altar.

“For the attack at Selemir? But you do understand that Nevol will use the Mechanical Destruction in order to absorb your powers. What will you do then?”

“I will secure the safety of the city’s people and then destroy the machine” she said with calm voice

“You being reckless again!” and then for a moment he felt the necklace becoming warmer

The Priestess of the Four Gods (uneditted)Where stories live. Discover now