Two worlds, one love

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                                    Chapter 30: Two worlds, one love       

5 years later

 “Come on Emily, how long are you planning to stay like this?” John said to his sister

“But John why do I have to go to her performance? She is already known to everyone! We have already gone to five of them already!” she said with stiff face and sat to the sofa.

“Are you ready? The car will arrive in 10 minutes!” Elizabeth said to her children who were still getting dressed while she was holding the tickets for the theater’s best box.

They were going to Lily’s tenth performance. She had managed to become one of the best dancer’s in the country, and Monica was her manager.

   After they returned back to their world they realized that they had been missing for five days. Elizabeth had canceled her business trip and had used everything in order to find the girls, from the police to the secret agencies… When they found them they realized that Lily’s blindness had been mysteriously cured and both of them had small scars on their bodies, dressed on strange clothes and, on Lily’s left hand, there was a strange tattoo with the shape of a golden star. They were both crying for two days until Monica realized that perhaps if they could search enough perhaps they could find another Ebu tree. Since then Lily dedicated herself into expanding her possibilities as a dancer and Monica earned a scholarship into management. Now after five years they had both grown into fine women and at the age of twenty two they had managed to complete their ambitions and be respected by everyone, even by their cousins.

One year ago their mother’s will opened and they discovered that their mother had been adopted into Elizabeth’s family. She was found into the forest near the William’s mansion and since then she grew up together with Elizabeth. The girls knew already the truth behind their mother’s true identity but still they felt deeply grateful to their aunt’s family.

Every day after the sunset the sisters always spent some time near the withered Ebu tree inside the forest. Lily would sing one of the many lullabies the Gods had taught her, or dance around it. But there was no sign of a new Ebu tree.

Elizabeth, Emily and John left their box and headed to the backstage. Everyone was praising Lily’s tonight performance and how deeply she had touched the audience.

“Amazing Lily, it was splendid as always!” Elizabeth praised her when they entered her changing room.

“Thank you aunt, I did my best” and Monica looked at her sister’s determinate expression: for the last five years Lily, through her dancing, was trying to communicate with anyone she could find; sometimes she could feel her voice reaching Denmor but mostly her efforts were in vain.

“Aunt, how about having dinner tonight together?” Monica asked her and saw the faces of her cousins become stiff.

“Of course! After you change let’s head together back home.”

They walked through the garden, heading for the mansion. The night was quiet and only the sounds the crickets were making were disturbing the starry night. Lily stopped walking and she headed to the forest saying that she will be back, and Monica followed her.

“Why do they always go to that place?” John said puzzled

“Because it’s sentimental for them” Elizabeth said and walked to the mansion.

Lily was standing near the trunk and had already taken of her high-heeled shoes; she started to dance around the trunk barefoot and Monica began singing.

The Priestess of the Four Gods (uneditted)Where stories live. Discover now