Denmor's rebirth

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                                     Chapter 29: Denmor’s rebirth

  The sky has gone black. The earth is dying, the stars are crying. I can hear their voices screaming from pain and sadness. The Gods are standing around me and they are looking me with sinister face; I can feel it.

Lily, are you sure you want to do this? The chances are…”

“I will do it Menfor, because I love this world, I love its people, its nature… I will protect everything!” and I felt the light becoming stronger and stronger.

  Everyone could see the giant pillar of light rising from Selemir. Darth, Limon and Monica were standing on the deck of Minto’s and Clyone’s ship together with Dings looking at the pillar without speaking. The earthquake shook the earth and the sky became darker. A dark pillar started to rise from the bottom trying to consume the light. The earthquake became wilder and from four different directions they appeared: a Phoenix with silver wings, riding the winds, a woman with blue hair and eyes, a woman who was holding a magic flute on her hands and a man, wearing his red armor and holding a sword of fire in his hands. All of them fused themselves with the pillar and it slowly took a certain shape and form; it was a golden bird, similar to the Phoenix, but bigger and more majestic than before. It opened his wings and golden feathers started to fall on the earth, making the ground green again and the trees grow back with vivid green leaves. It flew to the sky soaring to the air and the earthquake became louder and stronger than before shaking the whole land. Land that had been covered from water, started to rise again as the waters were subsiding; fields that were poor on crops for centuries, became fertile again and the polluted earth was alive again full of trees and flowers. The burnt lands were reborn again and the seas became full of life. The golden bird flew all around Denmor and returned back to Selemir. It flapped its wings, leaving a cry, like a dying song, and disappeared to the sky. Then a golden rain started to fall, healing the people’s dark Heart Stones and blessing the earth. A sound of crumbling metal was heard and the Mechanism of Destruction, together with Nevol, was destroyed forever.

  Darth ran into the Palace’s remains searching for Lily. He and Monica, together with Dings, Limon and the ship’s crew, were scattered to the area searching for her, shouting her name. He saw something glimmering under some fallen rocks and he pushed them away. It was the remains of the Altar and on the fallen columns and the destroyed Heart paintings was a golden moss that was shining like her eyes at the faint color of amber. Darth felt the necklace becoming a little warm and then it was cold as ice around his neck.

“Lily…” he whispered and he felt the presence of another and turned around. The woman was standing on the golden moss wearing her white dress with her hood falling on her back.


“Darthorian… that child sacrificed so much” she said with sad face.

“Why Freya? Why did she have to suffer so much?” he shouted to her angrily and his voices draw the attention of the others who came close to him. Everyone could see the woman and when they realized who she was they bowed with respect.

“The spell her sister used was the “Eternal Light” an ancient form of magic which combines the powers of the Four Gods with the Priestess’s body into one, creating Light itself and restoring Denmor into its original state.”

“Why my sister hasn’t come back? The spell is done and now she has to come back!” Monica shouted to her

“She could have returned if she had a Heart Stone…” she continued expressionless and everyone remained speechless hearing her words. She turned to Darth and continued

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