You're so stubborn - Sam

611 7 6

Not smut but makeout
kinda angst
Not dating!
A/n: I love this one

I hurried to the front desk at the motel, "Hi, I need another room, please," I said quickly, not wasting anytime I was already grabbing the stolen credit card from my bag. "Alright. You're not staying with those nice boys you came in with?" The woman asks, "No, not tonight." I didn't feel like small talk, right now, "Here hon, " she says, handing you the key. "Room 6b."

I threw my bag onto the bed, walking to the bathroom to get unready. Man, I'm exhausted. Washing my face, I thought over the past night.

Dean and I walked into the house through the backdoor guns drawn. Sam took the front door. I heard a crash come from the living room, so I ran in, Sam was up against the wall, screaming in pain.

I lifted my gun towards the head of the man with telekinesis. I cocked the gun, and he turned to face me. "No!!" I could hear Sam yell in the background. He dropped Sam and threw me into the glass cabinet. It shattered, and I could feel the cool sensation of blood against my face.

I gripped my gun tight, and due to my dizzy head, I shot the man's shoulder instead of his chest. He flung the gun out of my hands. And before I knew it, he was above me, gun floating next to me. He could shoot me point blank right now, and I'd be done. Sam shot him from behind. He dropped dead.

Sam was furious. Apparently, me saving his ass was "irresponsible," and I could have gotten hurt. Fuck I did get hurt, but that comes with the job. Sam of all people should know that. I'm so tired of him treating me like some girl who can't take care of herself and needs a strong Winchester to come and save her! I am not that girl. Bobby taught me how to hunt, I've been hunting just as long as they have. Sam of all people underestimating me always hurts, it feels like he doesn't see how strong I am. He thinks I am weak.

I got into some shorts and a tank top to sleep in. My head was hurting from the accident today, but oh well. I was about to climb into the comfy bed when I heard loud, stern knocks on my door. "Y/n?!" I could hear Sam yell on the other end of the door. Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away...

"I know you're in there, and I'm not going anywhere until you open this door!" There was intense anger in his voice. Tonight is not going to be fun. I slowly got up, and before he could knock on my stupid door again, I opened it.

He looked down at me for a second. It gave me time to take in his features. God, I loved his eyes. I'd love them more if they were staring daggers at me, though.

"What do you want?" My voice spitting like acid at him. I can't believe he thinks I am any less of a hunter than he is. My cheeks heat up from simmering anger. "You can't just run out like that. I thought you left! for good!" his voice sounded more hurt than it did mad. I felt a little guilty for it but stood my ground, "Sorry, but there was no way I'm staying in that small ass motel room with you all pissy with me." I retaliated. "You're always so damn stubborn!" 

I started shutting the door, but his hand stopped it ferociously. He pushed past me into my room, I closed the door already and turned to him with my arms crossed. I'm so fed up with him acting like he owns the damn place. "Sam, can we do this tomorrow? I'm exhausted, and my head hurts." For a second, I swear his eyes softened, but he ignored my request.

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