Hated - Dean

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kind angsty with a little fluff <3

Not dating!

This is really long yall like almost 3000 words :(

A/n: I kinda wanted to try an enemies to lovers sort of thing here sooo lmk if you liked it or not! Also I am thinking of starting an actual Sam Winchester story but I feel like it would be a lot of work and planning so if yall could lmk if you would actually read it, it'd be very helpful.

3rd person pov:

Y/n has been best friends with Sam Winchester for as long as she could remember. She lived in the house next to Bobby Singer, who would constantly take care of Sam and his brother Dean. So, she would see them pretty often. When her parents and younger sister were killed by a demon Bobby didn't hesitate to take her in.

She only grew closer with Sam as the years went on. They got along great, both were a little nerdy and both of them loved to learn about lore and monsters. The only difference between them was Sam was introverted and didn't like confrontation, Y/n on the other hand was willing to fight anyone and anything who got in her way. Unfortunately for y/n where one Winchester brother was, the other was bond to be there too. Meaning she had to deal with Dean Winchester, who was a full on dick.

Y/n and Dean have never gotten along, she always thought he was an asshole who's ego was to big for his own good. And Dean always thought Y/n was a stuck up bitch who never knew when to shut her mouth. He thought she picked to many fights, which was ironic considering his shoot first and ask questions later kind of mindset.

When Sam went off to college Y/n decided to start hunting on her own, much to the dismay of Bobby who wanted to keep her safe. Over the years they found family in each other and a father daughter dynamic was created between the two.

Hunting on her own gave Y/n a sense of independence, which was a feeling she wasn't familiar with. But she enjoyed it. It was a feeling she got used to quickly, but it didn't last. She had gotten hurt on a hunt and had to go and stay with Bobby again, there she saw Sam for the first time in years (she also saw Dean but whatever.) After explaining what had happened to Sam he offered to let her stay with him and Dean at their bunker. Dean protested but was immediately shot down by his brother, who could care less about his dislike of Y/n.

At first she didn't want to intrude but her loneliness took over and she decided she didn't want to go on alone again. So, here she was reading in the library of the bunker. She was reading up on some interesting lore about harpy's. "Have you seen Sam?" said a rough, harsh voice. "Yeah, he's out for a run," she said without looking up from her book. Dean rolled his eyes, he hated how snobby she is. "Do you know when he'll be back?" he asked.

She huffed and let the book she was holding fall into her lap, "Dean I don't keep tabs on your brother and I don't always know where he is or what he's doing. Just call him or something," she glared at him. "Oh great, you're being more of an asshole than usual today," Y/n picked her book up "Why don't you fuck off?" She asked in a condescending voice.

"Y/n? Dean? I'm home!" Thank God. They both thought to themselves, "How was your run?" Y/n asked, "Good, I have a case for us." Sam said as he threw a newspaper onto the library table. Both Y/n and Dean walked towards the table, leaning on it while they read. Sam chuckled, even if they hated each other they were very similar. Maybe that's why they hate each other.

Hovering next to each other, Y/n could smell the cheap cologne dean was wearing. She would never admit it but she found it attractive, she found him attractive. But due to her resentment of him she would never allow herself to feel that way.

"Werewolf maybe? The victim's heart was ripped out," Dean spoke up. "Yeah that's what I was thinking," Sam responded. "Well I guess we're going to Minnesota," Y/n chimed in. "Yup, be ready in an hour. Then we'll leave." Dean said, almost demanded. Y/n rolled her eyes, he always assumed he was the boss of everyone around him. "What? If you have something to say just say it," Dean challenged.

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