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VIDEO CREDITS: 'Apollo' (2023) Timebelle | Found on Music Lyrics YT Channel

"Be safe on todays mission, Alright Nawaki." Tsunade said looking to her 12 year old brother as she stood at 17. Tsunade had her ash blonde hair in a ponytail behind her head, wearing a white cropped shirt with fishnetting underneath, wearing a red skirt with her sandals on her feet. Nawaki looked over, brown eyes meeting brown, he placed an easy smile on his face as he placed his hands behind his head, looking at his older sister.

"Hey elder sister, don't worry, I'm gonna be hokage just like grandfather." Nawaki said in confidence. His headband was tied around his forehead, his light brown hair falling around the metal, wearing a dark green button up top with cream colored near the top. Wearing their grandfather's necklace around his neck, wearing brown pants and blue ninja sandals.

"To be hokage, That is my dream." Nawaki continued and Tsunade sighed, before kissing his forehead, wishing him luck. She believed in him wholeheartedly, their parents had passed a few months ago, and as such, it was up to Tsunade to raise Nawaki up and protect him.

"Nawaki. We need to get going now." Orochimaru said, as he walked up from the building stairs. Orochimaru's black hair was down behind his head, bangs parting over his leaf headband, wearing black ninja outfit with a forest color flak jacket over top, the sleeves of his shirt reaching over his hands. Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya were all jonin, having become sensei. Orochimaru was Nawakis jonin sensei. Assigned to teach him and guide him in the world, and Nawaki was eager to learn. Excited even.

'Somethings not right...' Orochimaru had a gut feeling, as they stood in the forest, he stood behind a tree near the building they were set to infiltrate merely a meter in front of them. The moon beamed down, casting an eerie glow between the leaves which offered more cover. The others were set to move in, Nawaki going to jump past Orochimaru, he grabbed him by the collar. Stopping his progression, Nawaki turned back, intent on asking Orochimaru what the hell he was planning, why he'd held him back. Before he could ask Orochimaru why hed done it, the building before them exploded, Orochimaru had tried to stop his team, but, Nawaki was the only one he was close enough to physically to grab. Nawaki's eyes widening, 'That could have been me... holy shit.' he thought, looking at the building that was up in flames. The rubble was all over the grassy field where Nawaki had been about to walk towards.

"Always make sure you scan your surroundings, Nawaki." He said calmly, and Nawaki nodded in return, the entire team, his teammates... Muchiro, and Yanake, were not as lucky as he was, as he picked up Muichiro's headband. Tears filling his eyes, before falling to the grass below.

"If you weren't here sensei, I would've been dead..." Nawaki said in shock, as Orochimaru placed a hand on his shoulder in sympathy, the two going over the rubble of the building. There was no doub t about it, this was set by Stone Shinobi. They were at war once more, how infuriating. More were going to die, and the last two hokage had already past in the 1st and 2nd wars.

"We need to report this to the village. We are at war." Orochimaru said and Nawaki nodded, the two jumping back towards the village, reporting to Orochimaru's previous sensei, Hiruzen Sarutobi, about what happened.

"I see... So, the building imploded before the entire team could move in on it." Hiruzen asked as he sat behind the desk, his brown hair around his head as he wore the hokage cap on his head, looking towards the two, wearing a white kimono with red fabric going down the middle, sitting in the brown chair behind the hokage's desk, his hands folded up near his chin with a pipe in his mouth. Nawaki nodded, he was still in partial shock, having dodged death mere hours before. Saddened that his comrades, his entire team. They weren't as lucky as he was and their funerals were to take place within the week. Muichiro and Yanake had been his best friends in the academy, and now... Now they were gone. Forever.

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