chap 19: Chitiro Returns

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"Oh goody, the nine tails is here. Yay!" Chitiro said three days later, standing across from Naruto and Akei, seeming to appear from nowhereher purple hair sitting spiked around her a headband with the kanji for death was tied to her forehead she wore a red cloak with blue clouds wearing black tights with a blue skirt and white collared shirt underneath. stand on the grass, wearing pink ninja sandals. Wearing a sadistic grin on her face, Hinami being held by magnetic sand as she swiped her hand across the ground in front of the woman, who looked towards her, aiming an attack, before she was forced to freeze in place. Flowers blooming around the woman. Akei was on the ground, being shoved back by the woman, Shinki sent his sand forwards at the same time as Hashirama sent woodstyle, trapping the womans arms, as she tried to move, finding all of her movements restricted, Sasuke coming down with lightning style the woman breaking free from the jutsu's holding her in place unexpectedly as she held up a kunai, holding it against Sasuke's sword giggling like a maniac with glee she continued to push against Sasuke's attempts to subdue her.

"This is so much fun. Haha! Entertain me!" Chitiro proclaimed to Sasuke as she pushed against him, her feet sliding on the ground., as did Sasuke's, Hinami jumping from the right, moving the forest with her, going to help Sasuke. Chihito piercing through her abdomen with the chain yet again, that seemed to function independently of her body, before jumping behind Jiraiya, and stabbing him through the shoulder with the same chain.

"Hinami! Pervy Sage!" Naruto yelled over, worried, the girl poofing from existence, kicking the side of the womans head, grabbing the chain coming from her body, causing the woman to yell out in partial surprise as Hinami lifted her overhead, slamming her down on the ground, causing a large crater to form, 5 trees in the vicinity splintering

"You ripped my shirt." Hinami said looking over, jumping over Chitiro's chain once more, before yelping a moment as she was grabbed from behind by Hashirama, the adults nodding to eachother,

"Get Naruto out of here. I'll hold her back. Go now." Sasuke said and Jiraiya nodded alongside Hashirama, his white gizo in a ponytail behind his head reaching down his waist with the majority of his white hair spiking over his headband that had two horns which held the kanji for oil in the middle. Wearing a green short shirt kimono and matching pants; under which he wore mesh armor that showed out of the sleeves and legs of his outfit. With a sleeveless red cloak overtop with gold circles around the pecs. He had red lines on his face that went from the corners of his eyes to his chin.

"What! Sasuke! No way you know!" Akei said and Hinami looking forwards confused a moment, but decided to trust him anyway.

"You die and I'll kill you!" She yelled over and Sasuke scoffed a moment, before giving a single nod

"The whole reason we're here is to protect him, don't loose sight of the mission we were given." Sasuke said before groaning, on the loosing side of the battle. Chitiro and Sasuke engaged in a battle of strength, the girl sending Hinami's chakra she'd absorbed back towards the man, which he blocked, Jiraiya summoning his toad, and jumping away with Naruto, Akei held by the tongue,

"I totally had her on the ropes back there though, so why'd you grab me anyway?" Hinami said sitting next to Hashirama on the toad and the man hummed in response,

"Those chains are specially designed to steal chakra. Injuries from them heal pretty quickly. From what we've gathered anyway." Shinki said in response as he flew next to the toad, the group touching down in the middle of the forest a few km away from where Chitiro had shown up once more, Shinki binding Boruto to a tree as he insisted on returning straight to where Sasuke was fighting Chitiro to help.

"Mannnn how are we supposed to defeat her anyway then?" Hinami said rubbing her head,

"There's something about her attitude... her movements... I can't place it, but I have an idea." Akei commented, and the group looked towards him a moment before nodding, in agreement, agreeing to follow what he was thinking.

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