Chap 13: Missing Jonin

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A genin who'd been assigned to a team with Izumo and Kotetsu, two high-ranking chunin, almost jonin ninja. Injured, with the other two nowhere in sight. Before passing out on the ground just inside the gate to the village, he warned that his entire team had been taken. But he didn't know where, the genin was then brough to the hospital where Tsunade worked to heal his injuries. Minato visting him and asking for a more... thorough run-down, if he could give any. Minato hummed, it wasn't much to go on, and from the looks of it, Jonin may be being targeted. He'd have no choice but to assign the mission to the genin teams. Heading back to his office, he called for teams Kakashi, Gai, Kurenai, Rin, and Asuma to come to his office immediately. Which the teams did so, meeting him there with the upmost urgency, looking towards the man and waiting for him to begin.

"Now that we're here, I'll explain the mission." Minato started, his blonde hair spiked over his headband on his forehead, his sidburns going towards his chin. Wearing a dark blue ninja outfit on his body with his jonin flak jacket on his chest with his hokage's cloak on his shoulders. Sitting behind his desk, his blue eyes looking out at the group who looked back just as seriously, including Naruto, as he noted the look in his father's eye was one of worry.

"What's up dad, it's gotta be important if all of us are here ya know." Naruto commented from beside Sai, their newest member since Hinami was now a jonin and was often sent on missions without the team. His blonde hair spiked around his headband as his violet eyes looked forwards wearing a blue-orange ninja outfit with his headband around his forehead, his violet eyes looking forwards. Wearing a chunin flak jacket over his clothing, wearing his shuriken holster on his right thigh, his kunai pouch on his back waist.

Minato nodded as he looked over the group of genin, his hands clasped in front of him,

"This is a very important mission, alright. Three teams of shinobi that've been dispatched on secret missions have all gone missing, for unknown reasons. Your mission's to go out and conduct a search to try and locate them. If you find them, you're to contact the leaf right away." Minato said, and Hinami hummed looking over, before Naruto cheered a moment, clearing his throat, he quieted down once more.

"If we locate them, and it's applicable to the circumstance, are we authorized to conduct a rescue. Looking at it from a logical standpoint, if we find them, there may not be time to alert the leaf on their location, depending on what we're dealing with." Hinami commented, Minato hummed for a moment, seeming to think on something as he looked towards his desk before looking back towards the girl.

"Yes. If for some reason you are unable to contact the leaf, but you locate the missing jonin, and a rescue is possible. You're cleared to mount such." Minato said in return and Hinami nodded,

"Though, looking at who's been chosen for this mission, a rescue would be near impossible for us to pull off." Shikamaru commented and Hinami hummed,

"Not necessarily, we have no idea what we're dealing with. We should keep our options as open as possible and account for every scenario." She said in response,

"All of the shinobi going missing have been experienced and talented jonin. The only one able to make it back, was a genin. It could mean those with experience and maturity are being targeted, by whatever we're dealing with." Minato said, looking over,

"So... you didn't just call us here because we're all elite ninja with overwhelming talent?" Naruto said, he sounded disappointed, as Sai placed a hand on his shoulder, Hinami doing the same,

"Sorry Naruto." Sai commented, his black hair sitting flat around his head, paired with his headband around his forehead with a black longsleeve shirt with capris pants, wearing black sandals with his scroll on his back waist and a sword strapped to his back.

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