Chap 3: Training

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VIDEO CREDITS: 'Do it like a Dude' Jessie J (2010)| Lyrics (2020) found on Nina Casimiro YT Channel  

"Daddy! Look at me! I'm getting really good with training, right? I've almost caught up to big brother Neji and Kiyoka!" Hinami said to Nawaki, the 7yr old was in the Senju compounds garden, training her gentle fist combined with her forest release, educating herself on the natural ecosystem around her as she went through the motions. Her black hair was sittting around her head as she wore black training clothes, the girl looked excitedly at Nawaki who sat on the porch nearby, watching her go through the motions. Ikumi was with Hadami learning the basics in fighting. The man hummed looking at his daughter, his brown hair in a bushy ponytail behind his head, wearing a green kimono top with black pants, wearing black geta on his feet. Hinami often trained with Hinata while Neji trained in the same room, often, She was sent to spar against Hinata and Neji as well, so the four would grow used to their fighting abilities. She also would spar with Kiyoka from time to time, though, Kiyoka was a chunin now, so she was at their sparring sessions even less due to the workload she now had to contend with coupled with training, the 15 yr old was making a name for herself in the medical community as well as the village as a whole. She would be expected to give up the ninja life soon, in order to pour more of her efforts into the clan and hospital work.

"Very good, girls. You always want to make sure to improve. Never rest on your laurels." Nawaki said to her in return, placing a hand on her head, looking at her gently as she looked at him in confusion,

"Laurel? Who's that?" Hinami asked the man, who laughed a moment before rubbing her hair a moment,

"it means to make sure you keep improving." He said and Hinami made an 'oh' sound, looking over at the man as she raised her arms in front of her chest a moment grinning wide as her eyes sparkled

"Yeah! You bet! I'll always work hard!" Hinami said cheering, Nawaki chuckled a moment, nodding in approval

"I'm glad, that's good. There is always going to be someone in the world who's stronger than you. So it's important to work hard, always." Nawaki said before kneeling down,

"Alright, let's go through some more fighting simulations, ready?" Nawaki asked and the twins nodded, excited, ready to spar with their father, something that he tried to make time for. Making time for each of the kids individually for training such as this. Hinami grinned wide before nodding rapidly. Sometimes, time with the twins had to be done together, but they always made time for them separately as well.

"Uh huh! Let's do it!" She cheered, sparring against Nawaki, who corrected her form, and showed her how to properly throw a punch when she wasn't using gentle fist, and how to land when she took a hit. Important things for the girl to learn. She was working on her balance when throwing a punch or kick, as well as her control with her kekkei tota, forest release, which would take her time to control and master. But looking at her skills both in the academy and outside of it, it was possible that she'd be graduating sooner than they planned.

"Hey! Hinami! We should play, ya know!" Naruto said bouncing up to the girl who was walking with her mother, holding onto the womans hand, the boys blonde hair bounced around his head as he looked forwards with his violet eyes, excited. Hinami's black hair was down behind her head, reaching her shoulders, wearing a light blue yukata with a light purple belt as she walked through the village with Hadami, Ikumi. Hadami, who wore her violet hair behind her head, wearing a light purple dress, she looked towards Naruto a moment. Ikumi stood next to Hinami, his brown and white Half&half hair sat around his head, the five year old looked towards Naruto with curiosity, before cheering, he wore a brown shirt with matching pants,

"Yay cousin! Play! Come on elder sister! Let's play!" Ikumi said and Hinami shook her head a moment,

"I'm sorry Naruto, but they can't play right now, maybe later though, okay." Hadami said looking towards the boy who looked at her confused,

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