chap 23: The Final Boss Appears

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Raiga laughed over the crater that his lightning created, laughing at having destroyed four people, not feeling an ounce of regret for what he'd done. Thinking he'd blown them to smitherings.

"They're still alive.." Ranmaru said behind him, and Raiga looked forwards in anger,

"That's not possible, my lightning hit them... Sorry, if you say they're alive,there's no doubt." Raiga said glancing back

"Two of them are troublesome..." Ranmaru commented from his back, 'This is strange, someone out there is able to block the byakugan... Hinami was able to hear the enemy while I couldn't see them.' Neji thought as they hid in some bushes created by Hinami, sitting within the hidden mists jutsu. Hinami continued to listen to their surroundings, while Neji looked forwards, discerning multiple people at least 10 of them. The group jumped out of the bush and running towards what Neji had seen, Noting they were just trees, or rocks, and not actual people.

"They can trick the byakugan?" Hinami said in question after throwing 8 wood shuriken towards what she thought were three enemy ninja, noting that it was infact, rocks. Naruto missing with his barrage attack, while Lee found himself hanging upside down from another tree, the enemy having disappeared.

"Heelp!" He said as he swung upside down, Hinami lengthening the branch to put him on the ground, which the boy was thankful for. As Raiga stood overhead, Ranmaru told him the leaf ninja's positions. Hinami trying to pinpoint their location, but there was an echo effect on their voices, like she was in a cave of somesort. 'Thunder Funeral! Feast of Lightning!' Raiga thought as he clicked the swords together before stabbing them into the ground,

"Hey! Neji! They're planning another..." Hinami started as she ran over, Neji being the closest to where she'd been before the lightning hit her in the back, sending her to the ground, the same happening to Neji a moment later as he ran up to her, Lee and Naruto were also hit in the same moment knocking them back and knocking them out. Before Raiga jumped down, going to kill Lee. Talking about Ranmaru's strength as he informed the man they weren't dead, only unconsious. Lee kicking him in the side, with Ranmaru feeling the strength behind the attack. Which sent Raiga stumbling back. The boy should have been unconscious, so how..

"Ranmaru! Are you okay!" Raiga said before being forced back by Lee's constant attacks, Raiga surprised that Lee was fighting unconscious while fighting. Ranmaru trying to read his movements but finding it impossible. Naruto was the first one to wake from the lightning, looking over, he tried to walk over to help, only to fall back to the ground. He looked over, his entire body aching and his outfit singed as he tried to stand once more from the ground. Panting as he looked around at the others,

"Hey! You guys! Wake up!" He said looking over, Hinami remained unconscious, while Neji opened his eyes slowly before getting back to his feet. Noting the voice calling to Raiga, and he questioned where it'd come from. Lee twisted in his sleep, kicking a bag off of the mans back, the boy inside yelling for Raiga as he did the same for Ranmaru. Who landed not too far from Neji.

"I knew I should've gone home... What's going on?" Hinami said from the ground, before getting to her feet. Raiga turning his rage on Lee, going to stab him while the boy, now conscious, remained on the ground, Naruto moving quickly, kicking the man away. Raiga stabbed his swords into the ground as he slid back, his brown hair flying up behind his head.

"You're dealing with me now, pal." Naruto said as he stood in front of Lee

"You little rat!" Raiga yelled over,

"I've got a question for you! Are you one of the seven ninja swordsmen from the mist village." Naruto said as he pointed over,

"And if I was?" he asked in return

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