chap 26: Liberating Katabami Mine

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Rain hit the cliffs as Lee stood in pain across from Raiga, clearly in pain, looking towards Raiga with a determined glint in his eyes. Standing ready for another fight. his black hair sat in a bowl cut over his head, wearing a green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers on his shins, wearing his protector around his waist. Wearing his shuriken holster on his right thigh and a kunai pouch on his back waist. His green jumpsuit was torn and held scrapes from the fight.

"Why! Would you go so far!" Raiga said, enraged as he looked towards Lee, the boy looked over,

"I am going to get so strong, that one day, Gai sensei can look at me with pride. That is my way of the shinobi" He said definitely,

"That explains it. You're entire life is dedicated to your sensei. I see! So he can hold your funeral!" Raiga said in response looking over at Lee, calling more lightning to himself, preparing to hit Lee with Ninja art thunder dragon tornado. Which was a tornado of purple lightning with a dragon taking shape.

Sansho and Karashi ran up the mountain side towards the lightning pass where the ninja were fighting, Karashi holding the curry of life on his back with Sansho pushing him to keep going faster. Both literally and figuratively. Rain fell all around them and Karashi was saying he couldn't run fast with the pot on his back, though Sansho was hearing none of his excuses. He'd gotten the ninja into some serious trouble, and now it was his job to undo that. Hinami ran in front of them with Ranmaru on her back. Lee took a direct hit from the lightning and was sent flying towards the ground.

"Please, we have to hurry." Ranmaru said

"Alright. Hey! I'm gonna go full speed, I'll meet you guys there." She said and Sansho nodded in return

"Go get em girl!" She said in return.

Raiga stepping to the cliffs edge, looking for Lee who was laying between the rocks, passed out from the attack he'd taken. Hinami almost running past him, before she noticed him, the boy falling to the ground,

"Lee! Wake up!" Hinami said slapping the boys face,

"Ah, I'm sorry, that was mean. >.< wake up will you!" she said shaking his shoulders instead, Karashi and Sansho catching up as she did so, Ranmaru stood just behind Hinami,

"I think he might need some of your curry," She said looking over, and Sansho made two plates, passing them towards the girl telling her to hurry, while they helped Lee. Hinami telling Ranmaru to wait with them, heading to find Naruto first. Sansho turning and punching Karashi over the head, passing the plate to him telling him to hep as well, the boy looking shocked before taking the offered plate and running forwards.

"Naruto! You idiot! Wake up." Hinami said, helping the boy chew the curry of life, the boy shooting up from the ground waving his arms

"Hinami! What was that for ya know!" Naruto yelled, Hinami looking over at him merely blinking at his outburst,

"So, you're awake now?" She questioned,

"Hey wait, weren't you at the bottom of a cliff or something?" Naruto said

"Naruto... it was a trap." Hinami said in return

"What?! And I fell for that?! Aw man!" Naruto said. Nearby, Karashi tried rousing Neji who was unconscious from the attack, after a success, Karashi tried giving him the curry of life, which knocked the poor boy out once more. Karashi yelling out his name as he shook him. Lee becoming drunk from the curry as Sansho recalled a bottle of Sake falling into the pot as they were preparing to bring the curry of life to the ninja. Thunder and lightning rang in the distance. Ranmaru going to talk to Raiga, wanting to stop the man.

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