Chapter 15

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When Izuku wakes up, he has a mini freak out. 

He forgot that he had gone to Shigaraki's house the previous night, so he was startled when he found himself in bed with someone. Once he realized where he was and who he was in bed with, he calmed down. 

Then, he freaked out again. 

He was lying on Tomura Shigaraki. 

Not only that, but Izuku's sweatshirt had ridden up sometime in the night, and Shigaraki's hands were around his waist, his fingers holding onto Izuku's hips tightly. It makes Izuku's heart race, and his cheeks heat up. Izuku lays as still as possible as he tries to think of a way to slide himself off Shigaraki without waking him. The last thing he wanted was for Shigaraki to wake up and find Izuku like this. 

It would be so embarrassing. 

Izuku carefully starts to unwrap his arms from around the other man, but he freezes when he stirs in his sleep. Shigaraki shifts underneath Izuku and lets out a sleep-addled moan as his hands tighten on Izuku's hips. His fingers dig into his flushed skin, causing Izuku's skin to pebble underneath his touch. Before the hero can stop himself, he lets out a breathy sound, his body reacting all on its own. 

As Izuku carefully tries to shift away from Shigaraki, fear, unlike any other, strikes his heart when he feels his blood rushing South, causing the length between his legs to harden. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck... 

Izuku is up in a flash, no longer caring if he wakes Shigaraki. He thinks that maybe if he moves away from him fast enough, he'll have put enough distance between the two of them before Shigaraki fully wakes and realizes what had happened. 

Shigaraki is starting to wake up, but Izuku has already opened the bedroom door and is planning on making a speedy departure. He's sure that Shigaraki didn't mean for him to sleep here. It would be an awkward conversation, and he was not prepared to have it. 

"Izuku..." Shigaraki says in a low, sleepy voice, and by the fucking gods, the sound of Izuku's name on that man's tongue is not helping his situation. He's never called him by his first name before, and-

No, nope. Keep walking, Izuku, he tells himself. 

As he rushes down the stairs and out of the house, he slams his mental shields down, making sure to keep Shigaraki out of his head. He knows that the former villain likes to poke around, and Izuku never ever wants Shigaraki to know anything about what had transpired while he'd been asleep. 

Izuku returns to his apartment in record time, skipping the front door altogether and landing on the balcony to let himself in. He slides open the glass door and slips inside. When he turns around, he's immediately slapped in the face with the sight of Kaminari on his knees in front of Shinsou, who's got his pants around his ankles. Shinsou looks equally as mortified as Izuku, but Kaminari is none the wiser to his presence.

Izuku has never turned around and left anywhere quicker in his life. 

He's now walking the streets, unsure of where to go. He's still got Shigaraki blocked from his mind since Izuku's thoughts haven't cooled down yet, and the image from his apartment is burned into the back of his eyes. He pats his pockets and realizes he'd left all of his personal belongings at Shigaraki's during his quick escape, which includes both his hero suit and his phone. 

Izuku sighs, sticks his hands in Shigaraki's sweater pockets, and trudges down the streets. He figures it might be safe if he gives his roommate an hour or so before returning. This time, he'll use the front door and knock before entering. He doesn't even know what time it is, but he can tell it's somewhere around noon. 

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