Chapter 21

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Their lips only meet for a brief second, and Midoriya pulls away all too suddenly, and Tomura finds himself reeling

"I.." Midoriya's entire face is flushed a deep red color. His hands are still on Tomura's cheeks, but he won't look at him, and it's killing him. "I need to know that this is real." 

Oh. Oh. He's still scared. 

"This is real," Tomura rasps, wrapping his arms around the hero's waist. "Please, let me kiss you." 

And Midoriya lets him. And then, he lets him do it again. The kisses are too fast and too chaste, and Tomura wants more. He can feel his heart fluttering against his chest, threatening to take flight and break away from his ribcage to escape its tight confines. His chest is too tight and too small to hold all of the feelings he has for the green-haired hero inside of it. 

"Tomura," Midoriya pouts, his words coming out in a whine. Tomura looks down at the hero in his arms, unsure of what he's going to find, only to see Izuku looking up at him, wide-eyed and pink-cheeked--something bright and anticipatory shining on his face. 

And Tomura, the weak man that he is, is so immediately captivated that he can't even respond. 

"You're not going to leave me again, right?" he asks, then digs his teeth into his bottom lip. The sight before Tomura might just be enough to kill him. 

"No," Tomura says, almost too loudly. "No, little hero, I won't go anywhere unless you ask me to." 

Izuku leans forward again and presses another quick kiss against Tomura's lips as if he's testing the temperature of the water, one toe at a time. Tomura's fingertips are sizzling with the need to touch more of the man in front of him--unconsciously propelling him to close the gap between their mouths himself this time. Izuku gasps into his mouth as if he's surprised, and Tomura digs his fingers into the hero's hips, causing him to let out a small yelp. 

He pulls back for a moment and assesses the hero's face, worried he might have done something wrong, but Izuku is almost panting--his pupils dilated slightly and filled with need-

-A need that Tomura is all too familiar with.

It's the need that kept him up for hours every night he spent away from the hero. It's that deep, almost instinctual need to have himself pressed up against the hero's toned and freckled skin. He's filled to the brim with it, and he wants to do something about it. He has to, or he might just go crazy. 

Izuku suddenly leans forward and peppers Tomura's jaw in a series of open-mouth kisses, and he leans his head back as a sound echoes in the back of his throat, trying to hold it down. He begins to rub his thumbs over Izuku's hip bones, his fingers finding a strip of skin uncovered by that god-awful t-shirt that stands between Tomura and the rest of Izuku. When his thumb grazes his skin, Izuku makes a whimpering sound, and god, he suddenly has to swallow a mouthful of spit. He's never heard anything more beautiful and chilling in his entire life. 

He wants more of it. No- he needs it. 

Izuku begins an assault on Tomura's neck, pressing hisses across his skin, making his way down to his collarbones. A chill rips through him when the hero's teeth graze against his collarbone, and it takes everything inside of him not to-

Suddenly, a loud ringing fills the room, seemingly washing both of them in cold water. Tomura's hands leave Izuku's body as he pulls his lips away, and they both look at each other, both equally as dazed. 

The ringing keeps going, and suddenly their both patting their pockets, trying to figure out where that terrible, awful, cock-blocker of a sound is coming from. It happens to be Tomura's phone. 

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